Reminder: Avast Forum Password Change

Received an email regarding this from “Avast Antivirus” is this bona fide?

Not seeing any detailed information it would be hard to say one way or another ?

That said I have previously had a notification of a request to change password. The email did come from avast (checking the email headers) and it also said if you didn’t request a password change then you should take no further action. e.g. not clicking a confirmation/verification/validation link.

Here is what the email said:

Reminder: Avast Forum Password Change

Over a year and a half ago, in May 2014, we informed you that the 3rd party software running the Avast Forums got hacked and thieves had access to user names, nicknames, email addresses and passwords. This issue affected less than 0.2% of our 200 million users at the time. No payment, license, or financial systems or other data was compromised.

Unfortunately with hacks, the old passwords and data taken can still be in circulation, so it is important to change your password and use best practice in securing a new, strong password. We have reason to believe the thieves from the 2014 forum software hack are trying to use the old passwords, and have cracked many of those passwords, so we are sending this notice and reminder to all forum users to change your password, using alpha numeric, uncommon passwords to keep them secure. And make sure you are no longer using old passwords on any other platforms.

Please go to

to change your Avast account credentials.


The Avast Team

Yes it is the same one as the link given by Eddy and I have also got this shortly after replying to your post.


You’re welcome.

Hi, whats going on? See attachment. Sent by
Phishing mail maybe, or has Avast become hacked?

Feeling uncertain, best regards, Hermie

Greetings from the Great Country of TEXAS,

I too received a ‘Reminder’ about password change, just completed said change. It referenced a notice from 2014, there was not a link to make this change. So I used my regular access and selected the link, ‘cannot access my account’ a new link sent was used to change my password.

Thank you,

Hi there, see attachment.

Best, Hermie

The link on mine as previously mentioned was

I assume that no further action is required.
The Avast in box message was not marked as spam by Google.
Looking forward to response from Avast.

Best, Hermie

Why, there’s nothing left to add.

Thanks. Okay: do I have to change my password or not?

Best, Hermie

It won’t do any harm changing the password, so I would change it just to be safe.

Thanks @nightshade. Done, I changed my password a minute ago.

Best regards, Hermie