Remote assistance

Hello all,

Is remote assistance offline?


What do you mean, as far as I’m aware remote assistance is a system to system (avast user to avast user) and doesn’t use another go between (specific web service), see help file extract.

What avast version are you using, latest is 9.0.2008 ?

Thanks for the reply.
What I was trying to say is that my avast and the avast of at least 3 other people, when we click on the button to get the code used to connect in our machines, it returns an error.

We are using the latest version (.2008). Its happening since yesterday. When I was asking to my sister for her code.


OK, now we know what the issue is, hopefully someone else can check this out as A) I’m using the current beta version 9.0.2009 and B) I generally don’t install the Remote Access element.

Just tried Remote Assistance - got an error message saying “Unable to connect to the Remote Assistance Server”. I’m using the latest release version of avast! Free. Hopefully it’s a problem on avast!'s end . . .


That’s the exactly problem that I have.


Tried it again. Works now . . . .


Everything is running smoothly now! Thanks!