remote desktop connection

how do i setup remote desktop connection(win xp one)?i want to connect to my sons pc in his room we are on a router(wired).thanks bri

we both use win xp pro sp2

I have never used it but a google search for setup remote desktop connection returns many hits,

This one seems reasonable

thanks for kinks but i have to enter domain and ip’s i have no idea of that kind od stuff?

As I said I have never used this function, so I can’t offer any practical help, that is why I sought help from my friend google.

I don’t know what they mean by domain, but I suspect it is different to what I understand as a domain, as in is a domain. The IP perhaps of the system you need to connect to would have to be found, my firewall displays my IP address when I hover over its system tray icon. So I guess you son would have to find that and email it to you.

Remote Desktop in Windows requires both the computers that are being connected to part of the same Windows NT or Active Directory domain (it’s a trust thing). I assume both computers are XP Pro and not Home?

You assumption is correct.

Sorry, missed that when I read it at first.

I take back what I already said, I was thinking of my old work network where we restricted Remote Desktop connections to trusted domain members.

Check here for a step-by-step:

EDIT - Ignore all the stuff in the step-by-step about VPN, since you are both on the same local network, that info doesn’t apply. You can get the IP address of the computer by opening a command prompt on the computer you need to connect to and typing “ipconfig”.

i followed the instructions and when the box pops up saying connect to computer i hit the drop down and i see my network name but when i click on it to find his pc it says my network does not contain any terminal servers?

That’s why you need to enter his IP address instead of the machine name. Remote Desktop usually uses Windows NT or Active Directory terminal servers to resolve machine names to IP addresses. Since your network is a simple home network and not Windows domain network, you don’t have a terminal server to do the resolving for you. When you get to the step where you are supposed to enter the machine name, close the extra options dialogs and just enter the machine’s IP address. It should still connect, provided your son’s computer is already configured to accept Remote Desktop connections.

hey guys i wanna thank u both for helpin me on this its up and workin now,my problem was that he had windows firewall not to allow exceptions,unchecked that option and all is good,thanks again bri

Your welcome, glad that you have it up and running now.