Good day to all.
My problem started about four days ago. Avast began to pop up, but nothing but a blank white box would come up. This was always random. I’d close the program via TaskManager, try and restart it, same issue. I would try and update it, but nothing but the white box would pop up. I tried reparing it, same white box. So, I uninstalled it. I restart after it tells me to, use CCleaner to clear any leftovers out, reboot one more time. I come back to reinstall. I get the following message.
“avast installer cannot continue because the last avast operation was performed without restarting. please reboot your computer first and then run the installer again.”
Yes, I restarted. Over and over, same message. Used the uninstaller, did my regedit sweep (might have missed something.)
Used the system ninja app. Going a little…nuts, honestly. Below is my most recent log.
2020-03-19 02:47:26.940Infoinstup[13236,13264]Command: ‘“C:\WINDOWS\Temp\asw.4b40a4ee76fed913\instup.exe” /edition:1 /ga_clientid:650cc727-222c-4c26-bf94-d3548d0aee6e /guid:23e99a9d-e9ef-47a4-a8c5-2c306acd7622 /prod:ais /sfx:lite /sfxstorage:C:\WINDOWS\Temp\asw.4b40a4ee76fed913 /ga_clientid:650cc727-222c-4c26-bf94-d3548d0aee6e /edat_dir:C:\WINDOWS\Temp\asw.81c1fdd2fe00cecd’
2020-03-19 02:47:26.940Infoinstup[13236,13264]CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J3355 @ 2.00GHz,2
2020-03-19 02:47:26.940Infoinstup[13236,13264]OS: Windows 10 (10.0.18363) x64
2020-03-19 02:47:26.940Infoinstup[13236,13264]setup: x64
2020-03-19 02:47:26.940Infoinstup[13236,13264]Memory: 76% load. Phys:952340/4013244K free, Page:7499252/11091132K free, Virt:135287107244/137438953344K free
2020-03-19 02:47:26.940Infoinstup[13236,13264]DISKs: C:\ - 576896MB free / 917GB total
2020-03-19 02:47:26.940Infoinstup[13236,13264]DISKs: D:\ - 1612MB free / 13GB total
2020-03-19 02:47:26.940Infoinstup[13236,13264]Running module version: instup.exe - ‘20.1.5069.0’
2020-03-19 02:47:26.940Infoinstup[13236,13264]Running module version: Instup.dll - ‘20.1.5069.0’
2020-03-19 02:47:26.956Infomutex[13236,13264]The ownership of the fallback mutex has been successfully taken.
2020-03-19 02:47:27.310Infoshepsync[13236,13264]Wait interval 60
2020-03-19 02:47:27.310Infoini_access[13236,10504]watch task for C:\WINDOWS\Temp\asw.4b40a4ee76fed913\config.def started
2020-03-19 02:47:27.310Infoini_access[13236,10504]watch task for C:\WINDOWS\Temp\asw.4b40a4ee76fed913\avast5.ini started
2020-03-19 02:47:27.342Infoshepsync[13236,13264]Trying server IP address ‘’
2020-03-19 02:47:29.002Infoshepsync[13236,13264]Download of config file config.def from succeeded.
2020-03-19 02:47:29.118Infoshepsync[13236,13264]Config file C:\WINDOWS\Temp\asw.4b40a4ee76fed913\config.def successfully updated to version 3413
2020-03-19 02:47:32.428Infoshepsync[13236,13264]Postpone interval was reset
2020-03-19 02:47:32.960Infoini_access[13236,10504]watch task for C:\WINDOWS\Temp\asw.4b40a4ee76fed913\burger_client.ini started
2020-03-19 02:47:33.092Infowizard[13236,13264]Running module version: HTMLayout.dll - ‘’
2020-03-19 02:47:33.330Infowizard[13236,13264]Loaded module version: C:\Windows\Temp\asw.4b40a4ee76fed913\HTMLayout.dll - ‘’
2020-03-19 02:47:34.649Infowizard[13236,13264]Setup gui was successfully started.
I really like Avast and can’t see myself using anything else. But if this persists, Unfortunately I’ll have to.