Removal of IBM 32-bit Runtime Environment for Java 2, v1.4.2

Dear Avast Forum Gurus,

Can somebody possibly advise whether I should uninstall ‘IBM 32-bit Runtime Environment for Java 2, v1.4.2’ in Windows XP Add/Remove Programs?

  • The computer is an IBM T43 with Windows XP SP3, Zonealarm Pro 7.0.473.000 and Avast 4.8.1201
  • This version of Java 2 came pre-installed with the software on the computer
  • All other versions of Java were uninstalled
  • I have only the latest version ‘Java TM 6 Update 6’ installed now (and of course the other item mentioned above)

Basically I have no problem uninstalling the old version (v.1.4.2) my only concern is if there are any implications for IBM software or any other software installed on my computer (ie. if they would stop functioning).

I am aware of the security risks of having old versions of Java installed and hence my query to you experts and gurus :-).

I thank you in advance!!!


Maybe this will help: