I have an older 32 bit computer that runs perfectly I am bring out of mothballs to be used for a specific purpose. It will not be internet active so I do not need antivirus software. It has a very old version of AVAST FREE antivirus that I cannot remove. How can I remove this older version of AVAST? It tells me I need administrator access.
Some clues might help, what avast version and program are we talking about here ?
What are you doing to remove it ?
What operating system are you talking about ?
It should be just as easy to uninstall as it was to install, if you open windows with the same user account you used to install it You should now be able to open the Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall - find the avast program you installed and uninstall it.
This computer has been in storage since about 2013. I do not remember the version of avast. Is running Windows 7. In PROGRAM FILES there is a folder AVAST, but looking in that folder I have not found any way to uninstall. When looking in CONTROL PANEL, uninstall a program AVAST is not listed.
I haven’t used win 7 in a very, very long time, so I’m not familiar with the interface, but things haven’t changed drastically over many years in uninstalling a program.
Is Avast listed in the Control Panel, if so select it (e.g. click on the entry), that should give some options, Uninstall, Change. If not do you get any options when right clicking on it ?
A screenshot of what you see, would be helpful as I can’t imagine what it is you see.