Removing AVAST4 from XP

After installing AVAST4 on to my Windows XP machine, i have been having the following problem.
When trying to load ANY program, for example Word, I get the error
message -
Windows cannot find ‘(null)’ Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.

So now I want to remove AVAST from my computer to resolve the problem. However when I try to go into Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel (including when I am in Safe Mode) I get the error message -
Windows cannot find 'rundll32.exe" etc.

Where can I go from here to resolve this problem? I am absolutely desparate to get my computer working again!

Thanks in Advance


You can use the Systemrestore of Winxp, but right now i do not know where to find it in an english Windows XP System!:wink: Or try to get into the Bootmenu and choose “last known funktion Version”(I do not know the exact wording)

I have gone into the Boot menu and tried both Last Known Good Configuration and the restore option, but when I get back into windows, i still get the same error messages.
Am I missing something?



I do not know, but you can try to install Avast again and than try to remove it. Where is you rundll32.exe located in? System32?

Did you make a scan with Avast and does it remove a Virus? Can you start Programms through the Windows Explorer?

BTW restore: You have to go back bevor you installed Avast

Cheers for all your help! Much appreciated ! All fixed now! :smiley:
