Removing symantec anti-virus

How the hell do i remove the damn thing.Add/remove programs just hangs when attempting to un-install it.Infact i thought i un-installed it but it keeps shwoing up every reboot.Even if i disable the service it shows up every damn reboot.

Note : this is not norton,but symantec AV corporate edition.8.1 or so i think.

I think you will have to check out the SAV web site to see if there is a manual removal tool or instructions.

What is showing up every boot, error messages, locations to file, etc. The more information you can provide the more likely someone may be able to help.

Or reinstall and try again and uninstall, probably followed by a registry cleaner check for entries not removed. If it is anything like NAV it is a pig to get rid of.

A google search fro “Removal symantec AV corporate edition 8.1” without the quotes returns many hits.

See if this link will help:

If clicking on the link won’t work, highlight - copy and paste the link into your browser. It should take you to Symantec’s website page entitled,

“How to manually uninstall Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 8.x Client on Windows NT/2000/XP”

Hope this helps.

:slight_smile: Hopefully you have started with removing it by
disabling/terminating/ending all of its “real-time”
protection “components” !?

I followed the instructions(deleting the virusdef foldeR),restarted,but avast reported that symantec was running(even though the icon didnt show up in the tray)…and i still cant delete the symantec folder because the files are in use.

There would appear to be a service or program element running.

Check msconfig, startup tab and see if there are any symantec programs set to run on startup, if so disable/delete them (best to disable first).

Check windows TaskManager and see if a symantec service is running, if so end it or disable it in administrator services.