Req for Shareaza P2P Support

I’ve had a great experience with Avast 4.1. I would love to see Shareaza P2P support added. I feel it would be a great addition considering it has the largest user-base for a Gnutella app (more than Bearshare and Limewire - at least in the US). I’m not sure how technically feasible this is considering it supports 3 protocols. However, it would be great. :wink:

By the way, what are the scanning options for P2P Support? Same question for IM Support?

Shareaza? Well why not - it shouldn’t be a big deal.
The same applies to Miranda and/or GAIM for the IM Shield.

By the way, what are the scanning options for P2P Support? Same question for IM Support?

Well, as a matter of fact there aren’t currently any - it just scans all files transfered by these programs. Oh, there is one thing - you can set up the archives to be scanned. By default, the IM and P2P providers scan inside all recognized archives/packers…
