Hey guys. Our website https://www.navalent.com/ for some reason is blacklisted in your database. Every time when anyone open website with Avast antivirus or browser extension installed he gets the message about phishing.
Website was checked from the backend perspective, and also was checked in virustotal and urlvoid - it is clean.
Thanks in advance.
Report a false positive (select file or website)
Something you can fix >> https://retire.insecurity.today/#!/scan/23d305a80f6f5953d20d6d8b5b2a840153b8a4d5fd38eadea0c41343958eb61c
Also consider these data: https://www.shodan.io/host/
Reputation Check
Google Safe Browse:OK
Spamhaus Check:OK
Abuse CC:OK
Dshield Blocklist:OK
Cisco Talos Blacklist:OK
Web Server:
IP Address:
Hosting Provider:
Shared Hosting:
500 sites found on
5 engines flag this however: 2019-09-29 5
/ 71 hxtps://www.navalent.com/modules/users/?AP___=paul@mediacenternow.com
2 flag as malicious the other 3 for PHISHING.
Whenever this has been cleansed, wait for a final verdict after you report it to avast, as Pondus says.
I see it still there in code line 65… Did you go over it with the The WordPress Strip Schema Microdata extension for WordPress?
polonus (volunteer 3rd party cold recon werbsite security analyst and website error-hunter)
Detection was removed on 01.04.2020.
Our virus specialists have been working on this problem and it has now been resolved. The provided website isn't detected by Avast anymore.