Request to make Avast accessible with screen reading software

Hi, I’m blind and using screen reading software on my PC.
I’ve recently installed Avast anti virus on my Windows 10 Pro machine. Is it possible to make
your software more accessible so it works better with screenreaders such as JAWS and NVDA? I’ve managed to access most of the features of AVAST using JAWS
2019 with a lot of messing around, but the program could be made easier to use with screen readers. As things stand, I could no longer access the program at any time if you make future changes as it appears you aren’t officially aware of this user group.

JAWS is paid screenreading software. I also tried accessing your sofrtware using a free screenreader called NVDA and that doesn’t work with your software
at all.
I’d be happy to test any accessibility enhancements you make etc.

Thank you

Hi, I’ll forward your request to the devs.

Hi again, it’s caused by a bug and will get fixed.