[Request] Turn sounds off by default : [poll] Do you like the avast sounds?

I would just like to make a recommendation to have the sounds in Avast turned off by default. No offense, but they are super annoying and tacky. Why does the computer have to talk to you EVERY time it updates it’s database?

It’s always the VERY first thing I disable on every new Avast installation. It would be nice if they were turned off by default with an option to enable them if you choose.

… ok so apparently people like the sounds. Like when it alerts them of a virus. I can see how that might be useful. But a sound when it updates the virus definitions? why? That happens a few times a day… So how about we just disable the virus definition update sound by default?

Most users including myself actually like the notification sounds so you are in the minority I’m afraid, it’s easy enough to turn off if you don’t like it.

I rather doubt that is going to happen as a default option.

You will find more like the sounds than dislike them, avast gives you the option to disable sounds if you don’t want them. But more so to selectively disable sounds for certain events.

Sorry pal, but I like Avast! telling me what is going on. The only sound I did not like was the old siren virus alert version 4 had. It would scare the life out of me :o.

The sounds of avast are one of the characteristics that make it different and highly appreciated by users.In addition,if you do not want to hear is the possibility to disable them all or any in particular :smiley:

Warwagon19792 I don’t know why you suddenly decided to add a poll to this topic as the suggestion you put forward has already been answered, if you don’t like the sounds then turn them off manually but they are going to remain on as default.

To the OP I happen to belong to the majority. Those avast sounds get my attention. Which I believe is the whole point.
As stated before, “if you don’t like them, shut them off”. 8)

Ok then, how about we leave them turned on, but turn the virus definition update sound off by default. Because does it really have to speak to use when that happens?

you should see all the complaints posted here in the forum when sound does not work … ;D

And you can also turn on other sounds…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBEARp5ftsE
I have a Dutch version with Polish fun sounds…


How about letting each user make their own choice.
Any user has the option to choose which sounds they want. 8)

Why not turn your speakers down or off. Personally I like the sounds.

Yeh, keep talkin to me Baby~! ;D :wink:

+1 lol ;D :wink: ;D 8)

Hi Warwagon im with you I turn them off but I also turn off all windows sounds. I work on my pc and dont need useless sounds. There are 2 kinds of users, one uses there pc to browse the net and facebook and facebook LOL they cry when there wallpaper stops changing all the time and the other actually need there pc’s for work. Example windows startup sound, you know that windows wont load until it plays that tune and also I guess some have to hear that dam click everytime you click anything with the mouse. LOL

And there are users who do ‘Both’ :wink:

Actually Windows will load if it hasn’t played the tune. Shutting down is different, it will not go from saying logging off to saying shutting down until after it plays the shut down tune.

I love hearing “Virus database has been updated” seconds after I crank up in the morning.

I hear the North American man’s voice.