Rescue Disk UI progress stuck

Avast Free V18.3.2333 (18.3.3860.309), Win 10 1709.
Set to create a rescue disk on USB.
UI does not update with any progress.
Exited UI.
Started UI again and back to Scan/Rescue Disk and progress % shown, but is never updated.
Repeated above 2 steps and % is increased.
Never quite sure when rescue disk is completed as eventually you go back to choice of CD or USB to create.
Looks like a new UI defect as didn’t behave this way last time I created a rescue USB from last verson.

Hello, anyone at home. I see several people have read my original post, but no replies.
Am I the only one using Avast Rescue Disk, or the only one afficted by the UI not updating % progress?

Whilst the new version of Avast Free updated fine and is otherwise working properly on both my XPSP3 and Win10 1709 machines, the Rescue Disk UI problem persists.
Just in case, I did a repair of avast and then repeated the Rescue USB function. No change, I get same result as previously reported i.e. UI not updating Rescue Disk % progress or its ultimate completion.

I repeat again, if you close the UI during Rescue Disk creation and go back in, i.e. start Rescue Disk again, UI then shows a snapshot of % done, but does not change with time. The only way to view progress is to repeatedly close and re-open the UI which then shows new snapshots of progress each time. If you reapeat the above step it eventually gives you the initial start Rescue Disk or USB options. i.e. has completed.

If you view the contents of the USB, it looks like a new Rescue disk has been created. It is just the UI that does not work properly.
It would be good to know if anyone can check this UI issue is repeatable elsewhere.

I’ve reported this to Avast. Let’s see if that gets a reply.

Thanks Bob.
I guessed it would be you who would respond.

Avast has acknowledged the problem but, hasn’t mentioned when it will be fixed.
I told them that a non working rescue media is worse than no rescue media.
Hopefully there’ll be an answer soon.
This is also not the first time this function has gone belly up. :frowning:

Has anyone heard an update on when this will be fixed?

I would have hoped Avast would have made this a priority and fixed if by now, outside of the normal beta process.

I just discovered this myself. The progress never goes beyond 0%. I see that the device gets written to and ends up with 41 files (is that complete)? Regardless, I tried to boot and it didn’t show up in my boot list so it isn’t a good rescue disk. This is an unfortunate problem and hopefully will be fixed asap.

Has anyone heard of anything from Avast? I can’t believe this hasn’t been fixed after all these weeks, and nothing in beta channels about this either.

One reason Avast stands out is these extra features, and if they stop working other vendors start looking better.

Can’t argue with you and I’m still waiting for a reply from Avast. :frowning: I’ve gone a more direct route and hope that will get a resolve. :slight_smile:
