Hi nmb,
You could start with this porgram - Hook Explorer : http://labs.idefense.com/labs-software.php?show=19
Author: David Zimmer
CopyRight: Copyright: 2005 iDefense a Verisign Company
GPL Olly.dll is Copyright (C) 2001 Oleh Yuschuk - http://ollydbg.de
License: GNU General Public License
This program is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will
be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
Hook Explorer is written in VB6. Your system will
need the VB6 runtimes and the Microsoft Common
Controls OCX (mscomctl.ocx)
Unzip and run. If you get an error that msvbvm60.dll
is missing, you will have to install the vb6 runtimes.
If mscomctl.ocx is missing you will need to download
and register the control. Google is your friend.
Hook Explorer
This is a small application designed to scan a single
process looking for IAT or detours style hooks.
HookExplorer gives the user several scanning and
display options.
When first run, HookExplorer will enumerate all of
the loaded dlls in the process and scan their import
tables for hijacked function pointers in the import
address table (IAT). The first instruction for each
function pointer is then disassembled and examined
to try to detect standard detours style hooks which
may be in place.
If the “scan all exports” checkbox was selected, then
HookExplorer will also scan every function found in
the images export table for detours style hooks. For
dynamically loaded dlls, this may be the only test we
can perform on them. Note that this option can take some
extra time to perform, and cannot be added to an existing
scan on the fly. Once you check this option the current
scan will not be updated and you will have to rescan the
target process.
HookExplorer also supports 4 data display modes to help
you examine the data. These options can be applied on
the fly and will simply re-display the collected scan
Internally hooks are stored in 3 collections. The first
collection saves references to all functions, the second
only cross module hooks, and finally the third which applies
a user defined filter list to the results.
The display options that relate to these collections are
- displays cross module and same module hooks
Use Ignore List
- displays filtered cross module hooks only
Hide hooks from same module
- displays cross module hooks (no filter)
Show All
- same as standard mode except also displays all entries
per dll, hooked or not
These options are represented by radio buttons and can
be applied on the fly once a scan has finished.
The IgnoreList is loaded from the file IgnoreList.txt found
in the applications home directory. This file lists the dlls
which you trust and do not want displayed in the results when
using the IgnoreList display option. It is recommended to use
the full dll path to your trusted dlls in this file.
The ignorelist can be edited in notepad and can be updated on
the fly to an existing scan. The edit button on the main interface
will launch notepad on the file allowing you to edit it. Once you
have made your updates, save your changes and hit the reload button
which will reload the file and apply the filter to the current
display results.