Resident Protection stuck on disabled

Hello all,

Following a renewal of my (free) home licence, I am unable to turn on Avast’s resident protection.

I move the slider to ‘Standard’ or ‘High’ and click ‘ok’, but it remains disabled. When i exit the program I no-longer have the reassuring blue sphere in my task bar. Anyone know why?

The manual Virus scanner works.



Hello Flapper :slight_smile:

You mean that you don’t see avast! “a” icon in the system tray?
If so you can see if the icon is not dissabled from the program settings > Settings → Appearance ( here must have an option to show the “a” icon in the system tray)

Or if this don’t help, you can try to repair avast! installation > Add/Remove programs → avast! Antivirus → Repair

Thanks for the ideas…

Ended up just unistalling and reinstalling - seems to have done the trick.
