Resident protection

My resident protection is disabled and each time I set it to standard protection it goes back to disabled. Can anyone advise me on this subject. Thank you.

How exactly did you find out that it’s not running? By using the Simple User interface [the blue panel]?

What happens if you click on the avast a-ball icon in the tray?

What OS are you using? What version of avast?


Hello, thanks for your response. From my simple interface (blue panel) it says disabled. I set my slide to standard and it looks like it is on, but when i close the simple interface, it goes back to disabled. When i point at my icon in the tray, it says three proctectors, two running. I am using the latest home edition. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.


OK, let me guess: if you click the skull icon in the simple user interface (to start the Virus Chest), you get a RPC error. Am I right?

And, you’re using Win9x, right?

Hello again, yes you are right, when i click on virus chest I get “the rpc server is too busy to complete this operation.” I’m not sure of your question reguarding win9x, can you tell me how to find this info for you? Thanking you again.


I forgot to tell you my “OS” I am running windows 98 S.E.

What version of avast are you using? I’ve got W98SE too. I had the same problems when I was using v4.0.183. Everything works in the latest version, v4.0.202.

Have a look at this thread if you’re running v4.0.202 & still are having problems. Specifically the parts about Jet & MDAC towards the end of page 1.;action=display;threadid=157

I don’t know what i did to fix this problem, after i rebooted it seems to be working now. Thanks for all your help and excellent response.


Your welcome.

Morning (it’s morning here) when I booted this morning my resident protection was disabled again, I followed your instructions and changed the data/avast4.ini file from odbc to xml and rebooted. It seems like it corrected it so I wanted to give you guys a follow up report. Again I thank you for your support and quick response to my messages. Nice job:)


What version of avast are you using?

When I was using v4.0.183 I had to update both MDAC & Jet and I had to change XML back to ODBC to get it to show the correct status. But even then it was still fussy if I cleaned out my temp folder.

But like I said before, with v4.0.202 and MDAC & Jet updated everything works now.

If this keeps up I’m gonna invite you guys over for lunch:) I checked my version and it seems I’m using 4.0.168, does that sound correct?


That’s OLD. You should update it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Right click the a-ball icon, and select Updating->Program Update.

The latest version is currently 4.0.202.

Greetings from Redmond, :wink:

EDIT: You beat me to it Vlk. Oh well. But my post has more info. ;D

Lunch sounds good but it’ll have to be on the weekend. (Too much stuff I have to get done here at college during the week) ;D

Version 4.0.168 was released back in February. There have been several versions since then (4.0.172, 4.0.183, 4.0.202). I think it’s time for an update. :wink: Right click on the blue avast tray icon, select Updating, then click on Program Update & it should DL & install all the files it needs. You might want click on iAVS Update & update your virus database too.

From the simple user interface, under Settings, Update, what circles do you have ticked? I’ve got DSL so I have mine set to Automatic.

Here we go again:) Everytime i try to update, it tells me I am already up to date. When I click on the blue pop up for the current version, i get a screen that says no proxy, then i click test connection. Nothing happens so I wait several seconds and close the window. It then tells me i have the current version, I tried switching the menu to “use explorer setting” with the same results. OK guys, tell me what I am doing wrong:) Thanks.


I think I will download the lastes version and re-install, I’m right back at where i started, resident protection is off again, HELP!


I downloaded the lastet version of avast home edition. Un-installed the old version and installed the new on. I would like to know how to answer the question in mail protection about “SMTP” and “POP3”. Also can you tell me how to register my lastet version? Thanks again.


For POP and SMTP, just select the guys from the drop-down list.

For registration - you can either insert the key you used last time, or obtain a new key by filling in the form at .


Hello VLK, there was no drop down list for those questions, so I put AOL for SMTP, and POP3 for the other, not sure what it is asking for. Can you expand on this so I am sure i have the right settings? Also, I registered my lastest version so I should be ok there. I’m still confused about the virus chest update, when I click on the icon for update it gives me a menu that says “direct connection” however it does nothing when i click “test connection” and after i close it, it tells me i have the latest update. on my simple interface it says it is not updated, any help will be appreciated, thank you.


Bobby, I don’t think Avast’s e-mail protection will work if you’re using AOL. I don’t think AOL uses standard e-mail servers.

If your avast is refusing to update, check to be sure you have the “program update” installed. Then, get the latest definitions.

If this still doesn’t work, try reinstalling avast.