Resolved: Is Mobile Avast free can it work on a black Berry cell phone

HI I was wondering if I could please ask a question. I was wondering if Avast had a free version of avast for Black Berry?

The reason I am asking is because my sister has a black Berry that she uses all the time and she commented to me today that it would be nice if Avast free could be used on Black Berry.

So I was just curious if avast mobile for Android would work on a black Berry.

Thanks have a great day.

Hmmm. I’m in one now! Who knows the future of the technogy and the market share? Right now not much persuasive device…

@ Diddy,

Perhaps ask your question in the Mobile Security section of the forum as a separate question and see if one of the Moderators, which seem quite active on the forum can answer your question. Perhaps if it not available now, it might be in the future. I know releasing the Android version was the first release, but they would know the next step.


the current version, of course, doesn’t work on Blackberry since it uses completely different operating system than Android. I can’t really say if t there are plans to make a Blackberry version or not, but it is a fact that the Blackberry market isn’t as big as the Android Market is.
