[Resolved]Will these programs conflict each other?

Hey, I use avast 5 free, malwarebytes(real time protection turned on), windows defender and PC tools firewall plus. Will these programs conflict each other? I also heard about threatfire. Should i install it? or are these programs enough?

What you have should be fine.

Even with all these softwares a malware got into my PC. I always keep my softwares up to date. But still it wasn’t enough!

Dhanesh, you could have 101 different security products and still get infected with malware.

It is a misconception to believe the more you have the safer you are and over reliance on security products alone is dangerous.

You need to review you security practices and user habits / what you do with your PC

Certain products have better detection, certain practices reduce or increase the risk of getting malware, user habits / what you do with your PC can have a big influence on risk.

Look at what went wrong, why it went wrong and how you can prevent it from occurring again.

I thought one antivirus and two anti spyware were good combination. I usually use avast or avira(both free) alone. But after having to reformat my hard drive i decided to change the combination. I don’t use cracks and i don’t go to gambling and porn sites. I use firefox and i always use no script add on. So i am a little confused about what went wrong!

DHANESH,please bear in mind that the malware, virus, trojan always comes first.
There is always a time lag between a new attack and the actual detection.
All security programs are always one step behind those that look to exploit your system.
As you found out even cautious online use can still lead to an infection.
The only other thing you might use is a good back-up strategy.
When all else fails, restore to a time before your infection. :slight_smile:

Thank’s. From now on i will back up my system atleast once a month.

How do you get the malware, Dhanesh? Via the internet, or a pen drive, or something else?
I have Avast, the Windows firewall, MBAM on demand only, a very up-to date system (something you could check yourself for) and never get malware, or haven’t for years.

Well, I do remember watching a movie from one of my friend’s pen drive!

I always make sure to keep my system up to date.

I use AutorunEater in order to prevent pen drive infections from loading.
Never had to test it in anger (I tend to only use my own drives) but it has a lot of good reports.