Restore and add to exclusions not work, created exception but keeps flagging

In addition, when this happens, mouse and keyboard are frozen for 5 to 10 minutes. After they work again, I again create exception and restore, it lets me use the file for a few minutes, moves to chest and it keeps happening, and the whole thing begins again.

To solve the problem permanently, I know I can just delete Avast and buy another software, but is there way to make avast stop doing this nonsense? When I say except it, it should obey me.

Let me know what info you need.

And, lastly what’s with all the stupid bicycles I have to find and letters I have to recognize?

Your attached image relates to an anti-spam measure and are only there for the first 3 posts.
What is the file name, location and alert name ?

The I’m a human check, the Google I’m Not a Robot isn’t directly this but happen on occasion, over and above the check on your first 3 posts.

You can try the Send for analysis option in the Virus Chest, see attached image.

Is this for the exact same file and location, as it could be possible that the file could be running/initiating something else (and the exclusion doesn’t exclude process actions), though I would have thought it unlikely.

Yes, same file, same location. Sent for checking.

What I was hoping for was the file name, program name, malware name and location.
Also why are you trying to restore it (the above may well answer that) ?

From that it may be possible to do some searches to see if it has cropped up before.

OK. The filename is mymy.ahk. Here is the whole file

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. lutera
::hb::Happy Birthday{!}
::lw::libre writer
::nyk::Now You Know{!}
::unk:: Unknown
::ptp::professor toofaani publishers
Send, !ixi{enter}!AWt

I’m not surprised that avast might find it suspect as an unknown script file, it won’t have any knowledge of it previously and no clean signature for the script.

I would suggest removing any personal information in the script as in a public forum it could be harvested and used for spam or worse.

Even sending this to the virus labs for analysis, I fear wouldn’t have the desired effect for the points I made before, they are unlikely to whitelist it as effectively it is a single unique file. I also don’t know if you wouldn’t have similar results with another AV because of the points raised.

That said, adding it to the exceptions should work.
Which brings me back to another question I asked still awaiting an answer. Its location ?
As that too could have an impact on the exceptions.

So if you can post the full path and file name that you entered in the exception ?
That shouldn’t just work for 5 minutes and suddenly not work.

The full path:

My point is simply this. If I am saying Restore and Except it FOREVER, why does it not agree with me. It is not as if the whole internet will come crashing down, at worst I lose my PC totally, it is my problem, I am OK with it. I am sure you have stuff in your EULA that says I cannot sue you for a million dollars for doing this, so let me do what I want at with my PC my own risk. You take care of non-excepted files and stuff.

To start with I’m an avast user just like you trying to help where I can, I ask questions to gain information to try and understand the problem and help if I can.

With out information or resistance I can’t really help.

I thank you for taking the time to look into it.
Hopefully somebody from Avast will say something.

I have reported it.


Can you please attach a screenshot of the detection message as well as a support file id?
To generate the support file, please see this link.

Happy to report that the problem is gone as mysteriously as it came. Everything is working.

Since just putting the file in the exceptions was not working, I had switched off the Core File Shield.
Since things were working I did not bother to check. Checked right now, the file shield is on, the file is in the exceptions, but there is no problem.
Things must have fixed themselves after one of the daily morning restarts of the computer.

I will send the avast support file.

Just ran the avastsupport.exe. All three lines are green. See no point in sending. May be next time.

@surjit_singh. Please note this is a open public forum. You are advised to edit your reply #4 and remove or obscure your personal details (email addresses), to avoid risk of spamming etc.

Thank you for the update.