Restore file from chest?


I have a problem with a file that I “need” to restore fra the chest.

During a scan of my PC I received a message that there was a virus in a file belonging to my account program. I send it to the chest but before the tasked was over a hit the cancel buttom. :-[
Now there is a file in the chest (file name 00000025 size 224 MB I can only find it using file manager) but I can’t restore it which I really need to do, because it contain all information for my account program.

So if there is some one that have an idee I would be very happy to here it.

NB. I use Awast Home, it’s not registered yet on WIN 98SE.


what exactly do you mean by “account program” ?
why can’t you restore it from the chest ? what happesn/any error messages ?

try to find info on where it originally belonged to, by searching avast reports/logs/WIN’s event-log

try repairing avast via control panel → Software → uninstal avast → repair

which virus name was given by avast (see report etc…) ?

scan the file with Online scanners from Trend (see below) & ; pause avast shield for this


The account prgram are C5 from Navision. First time in the chest after moving the file c5data.dat there was one entry wsock32.dll who had the time of the moving and when I tried to restore it, the came a message that told it had not suceeded to restore the file.

Want I don’t understand is that I can find/see the file when browsing but I can’t see it when I’m inside the chest window and the file don’t have an ext. name.


  • there are multiply categories in the chest, select “Virus files” to find your file
  • read manual/docu/FAQ’s of avast
  • DAT-files can be created or used by malware, adn contain malicious, but are not per se harmful, as they can’t be executed…

move the file back to its original locations (from, chest, or maybe consult the program vendor on where it belongs, or the above mentioned logs etc…

& use other scanners/onlinescanners from trend & to check for false alarm (pause avast shields for this)

if they don’t detect any problems, tell avast to exclude the file, and send a link to this topic & to program vendor website to
virus (at) asw (dot) cz