Restoring from chest issue (no it's not the same issue that other's have posted)

So the whole false positive thing really hit my system hard, many files were marked and moved to the chest (over 230, excluding system restore entries).

The problem I am having is that when I select some of the files the restore option is greyed out and not available. I have realised that some of these were pulled from .rar archives (not password protected) so it kind of makes sense that avast can’t put them back in there, should that be the case though?

Also it seems as if it won’t allow any .exe files to be restored, and some .rar files that were entirely quarantined, when selecting some single files the option is greyed out, but when selecting two or more of the same files the restore option is there.

I haven’t actually tried to restore my files yet, but I will give it a crack and see what happens, if it doesn’t work I will have to extract them from the chest and manually move them back to the right places. I suspect I won’t have to do that with all of them, but this is going to be a real pita.

I’m just hoping someone can give me some way to work around this a bit more easily. Needless to say I am not so happy with avast atm, I really hope this does not happen again, then I might actually have to pay for AV and I obviously don’t have the money for that as I am using a free product. Will say I have been totally happy and problem free up till now though.

If you can’t restore, the only way to do it would be to extract the files manually and put them back in their place. You can find where they are supposed to go from within the chest.

Obviously, avast made a mistake, and it’s the first one that’s happened in many years. We’re all here to help you get back up and running as soon as possible.

By the way, have you updated to the newest virus signatures yet? The false positive has been fixed.

Yes I have updated, am aware that it was fixed.

The worst thing is that I was totally freaked out by it and up all night trying to fix things on my machines, much undue stress. >:(

Still I’m not going to drop avast anytime soon I don’t think. ;D Back to work…

I just don’t understand why it seems able to restore some files and not others? Excluding the ones from inside archives I guess.

A bit more info, when selecting two or more files that have the restore option unavailable, it becomes available but the error given is that “the original location is undefined”, which makes no sense to me because the original location is mentioned in the chest.