Results from last scan

I am lost. I get 386 items unable to be scan Ar…at the end of the scan, What do I do now to get these items included, or are they to be treated in some other manner???,
Othe than this the Avast seems to be working fine…Thanks Tony Walker.

ynot412, just do a “Boot Time Scan”! Then avast! (instead of the others) gets them all.

That sounds fine to me, BUT, the next stupid question is. What is (Boot Time Scan); where do I find it and How do I turn it on, thans for your assistance, I am called Besser, thicker than the normal brick.

Start avast!, click on the menue item in the left upper corner. Then you get a pull down menue with an item that’s called “Timer for Boot Time Scan” (or so. Have to translate it from german to english…)

Boot Time Scan is a scan of the entire drive or a specific folder before Windows starts (works only in WIN2000/XP). So there are no files occupied and avast! can scan them.

Bet you wished you had not answered my question???
I am using 98 SE. The drop down menu where it shows Boot time is greyed out and nothing happens when I click on it… Avast home edition ??? >:( ???

Bet you wished you had not answered my question?????

There you are wrong! :wink:

As I said: (works only in WIN2000/XP)…

Anymore ideas for a poor old man lost in the world of computers//// ???

What is the reason given for the files that were “unabled to scan”? “Archive is password protected”? In that case, it is not necessary to do anything about them.

It just said Unable to scan Ar
I assume that Ar might stand for archive, now that you mention it, thanks for your assistance…Tony Walker.

I believe it’s possible to resize the window or column, to see the whole message.

I will do a rescan in the morning and then try to resize the window to check on the Ar …bit, the scan takes about half an hour, too late tonight, need the beauty sleep…Thanks again.