I have just started my AVAST and tried to send some word.doc from home to work.
one of my collegues got all text ,and the attachment word.doc ,but the other ones got only the subject and who it was sent to.(togheter with my empty mail,but text added " inbound message clean")
So, you create email with attachment and send it to your 2 friends. One of them receive mail correctly and the other friend receive only text without attachment… uhhh… If you disable avast! plugin for Outlook, any change? Do your friends use some antivirus on theirs PCs? What email client they use (Outlook/ Outlook Express, …)?
I’m sorry but I don’t understand why you mention IP For plugin for Outlook this stuff is not needed (local server on is required by Internet Mail Provider).
So, your friends have LN and mcafee, ok… Could you try disable Outlook plugin and repeat that test (whether emails will be delivered successfully) thanks!
Well, I may be o0verlooking something, but I don’t see any indication that the original poster uses full Outlook, and not just Outlook Express (or any other e-mail client, in fact).
So, a question for Jwenall: what e-mail client do you use?