Returned to using Avast

Hi everyone.

I had a few problems with using Avast, have tried Others including Trend Micro. None was as good as Avast for setting up your antivirus program.

So I am now in the process of downloading Avast Home .

I will be a Avast user again :slight_smile:

And The Forum here is one hell of a forum, I feel it is the best forum i have ever used 8)


Welcome back, Crofty! :slight_smile:

In fact, I second this with all letters 8)

Let’s make it even better 8)

Thanks CharleyO and Tech

Yep This is the place to be, I will never leave again ;D

Chastised crofty :wink:

Yes, welcome back Crofty, support is a thing often not considered when choosing an anti-virus.

Thanks DavidR

You are so right about support.


Welcome back fellow Aussie

Go the Crows!!

Thanks form one Aussie to another
Not only another Aussie.
A Croweater as-well


Just for your info my Australian friend, Peter is not a croweater, he is even worse… potatoeater, potatodestroyer, potatoexterminator, potatochipscrasher, potatosmasher, potatolover, potatocultivator etc… ;D ;D ;D

Just ask him if you do not believe me… ;D

G/Day -Tesla

Crickey sounds like he has a potato fad.

Me being a croweater, demolishes any thing with Potato. :slight_smile:

I feel like a need a translator… :frowning:

Dear Mr Nikola Tesla
your assumptions to my potato problem are, I must admit true. :cry: the last time I confide in you Mr :wink: I am rather fond of the good old spud.
However I to am a CrowEater and proud of it – No I do not eat crow with my potatoes.
Let me explain “Croweater”- Person from South Australia—I also shamelessly follow the mighty
Australian rules football (real mans Game ) Team the Great Adelaide Crows—What a team, they all eat
potatoes tooo ;D ;D So to all the spuds out there watchout !!

Hahaha, I know… I just had to bring “potato-story” out ;D ;D ;D

dont think all aussies have such poor taste , and im not talking vegetables :wink:

Go blues !