You want me to pay a full years price (£20 higher than the offer currently in the store) just to upgrade for 108 days and you also want me to pay full price for the 3 months SecureLine. This isn’t a promotion, this is an idiot trap…
Settings → Appearance → Community features (at the bottom) → disable “show Avast! recommendations”
(freely translated from the Dutch interface, so the exact wording might differ)
Annoying you have to disable this on a paid product. Also that offer is not ‘saving’ any money, pretty stupid indeed.
The popup is I believe actually meant to be the auto update notification (check your avastUI > Settings > Update and you will see that an auto update has just taken place. It appears that these tips/ad popups are piggybacked onto the auto update notification popup and this looks like it messes up the display and sound for the auto update notifications.
since these are screwed up auto update notifications, you need to uncheck the Show notification box after automatic update (avastUI > Settings > Update - scroll down to details).
If you browse the forums you will see several topics relating to a known bug about updates.
no auto update notification popup (commonly displays an avast! tip - Ad, instead).
no audio voice over for the auto update.
the popup delay timings don’t appear to work either.
These tips popups have in the past been piggybacked with the auto update update notification, so the only way to get rid of them would be to disable the auto update notification, which if you want the update notification (when it works correctly) would remove everything.
Unchecking the “show social networking features” as suggested here and in some other topics won’t work as they are piggybacked to the auto update notifications. The only way to get rid of them would be to uncheck the auto update notifications, reducing the duration of the popups won’t work either as it doesn’t appear to work as it used to (so another bug).