Right click problem

Hello Avast forums, i’ve started to notice a really strange behavior last night: whenever i right-click in windows explorer, it crashes. I imagined it was the usual context menu problem, so after using ShellExView it fixed for a while, but now it’s happening again. Also when attempting to perform a CCleaner registry clean-up, it freezes when searching on the categories “ActiveX/Class entries and MUI cache”. Also my Avast antivirus didn’t detect anything. Could this be some sort of virus? Please help me.

                                                                                              Thank you in advance, John S. Beyer
Could this be some sort of virus?
To find out we need some logs

Attach Malwarebytes / OTL / aswMBR logs http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0

i’m really sorry it took this long to answer, but i had some things to attend to. I’m attaching OTL and MBAM logs but aswMBR keeps crashing while performing the scan.

Try run aswMBR from safe mode…

Malware experts are notified. Since it is midnight in europe now you may not recive any reply today

ok thank you! aswMBR still crashes on safemode.

I am not a remover. However, looking at your OTL Logs… Something isn’t right. You have a lot of recent driver installs (Last 20 days). Which says it was created by Microsoft…

I also see you have uTorrent. While probably not your issue, it can lead to infecting your system. I would advise not using it.

well i haven’t actualized any drivers in a while to be honest. The only driver-related stuff i had some weeks ago was when i purchased the game Cossacks II and it came with the infamous StarForce (installs a hidden driver without permission) and i had to get a tool from the StarForce website to remove it several times until it worked.

EDIT: just looked at the log, yea that’s from all the directx installed that sometimes failed until i got it right…you know 8.0, then 9.0c and so on.

Hi SpcBeyer.

CIS 6 is just a firewall or antivirus?

I’ll do one more verification.

Please download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (
) by Farbar and save it to your desktop.

Note: You need to run the version compatibale with your system. If you are not sure which version applies to your system download both of them and try to run them.
Only one of them will run on your system, that will be the right version.

[*]Double-click to run it. When the tool opens click Yes to disclaimer.
[*]Press Scan button.
[*]It will make a log (FRST.txt) in the same directory the tool is run. Please attach it to your reply.
[*]The first time the tool is run, it makes also another log (Addition.txt). Please attach it to your reply.

Hello sir, i thank you in advance for this time you’re taking for helping me to solve this problem.

some hours ago i found the problem to apparently be a malfunction on a network driver, which was corrected by the SFC scan and updating windows. Everything appears to have been just windows being windows. I’m aware that lack of symptoms doesn’t mean system is clean so I’ll keep a close watch for some time. Attaching the requested logs.

As for the CIS, just the firewall.

Name: Mouse PS/2 de Microsoft Description: Mouse PS/2 de Microsoft Class Guid: {4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Manufacturer: Microsoft Service: i8042prt Problem: : This device is not present, is not working properly, or does not have all its drivers installed. (Code 24) Resolution: The device is installed incorrectly. The problem could be a hardware failure, or a new driver might be needed. Devices stay in this state if they have been prepared for removal. After you remove the device, this error disappears.Remove the device, and this error should be resolved.

Maybe this could be a problem.

I see no present or active malware.

Oh yea that. Ir must be from when i first bought the pc and just had good ol ps2 keyboard/mouse. Ill look into it tomorrow. Thanks for your help and the fast answer.