Rootkit detected by GMER

Good day,
I have a problem with the Avast Premium self-protection mode. Some settings block the relevant pages and download the file from them. E.g. GMER, FRST and similar detection tools. I’m afraid I could have the PC down to control some malicious code.

For completeness of replenishment … on another PC in the same network, I immediately after a clean installation of WIN, including reloading the Secure elements in the BIOS, run GMER and immediately signal me some Rootkit. Unfortunately, before I could look in more detail, WIN fell into the bluescreen. After that, the rootkit was never detected again.
What should I do?
Can you please contact me at
Thank you, Pavel Kadleček

GMER and FRST are expert tools and should only be used by those who know how to use them

avast scan engine use GMER tech as part of its rootkit scan that run 8min after boot (unless something has changed)

Hi Pondus, nothing has changed. :slight_smile: Cheers

I agree, which is why I am addressing the experts here. The PC has already been serviced twice, always for a large amount of money and No result. Malicious code has not manifested, although detections suggest otherwise. I am reálu desperate, I want to solve everything, but apparently I have to entertain the experts with the help of other experts on what to look for.

My guess it was a GMER false positive