I am using windows XP.
successfully deleted avast once, then downloaded the new Avast home edition, inserted the key, got the RPC error, followed the instructions (computer management, services )Avast4 control service started, automatic. Avast mail scanner started, manual (won’t allow me to change to automatic) , Avast web scanner, started, manual, (won’t allow me to change to automatic) RPC error again , downloaded 3 more times (on Dialup) Tried to delete from control panel ADD/REMOVE - get error message - A setiface error has occurred: try to reinstall or call support please. I would really like to get this to work like it used to. any suggestions.
Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
The RPC error is often associated with another AV or remnants of an AV on your system.
I suggest an installation from the scratch:
- Uninstall avast from Control Panel first.
- Boot.
- Download the latest version of Avast Uninstall and use it for complete uninstallation.
- Boot.
- Install again the latest avast! version.
- Boot.
- Check and post the results.
no other antivirus programs that I know of,
cannot remove avast using control panel. keep getting message: a setiface error has occured: 2 try to reinstall or call support please.
Um…excuse me.
Not sure how my answer got put in this thread ???
Did you try as what Tech said?
Go to step 3 and start from there…
My prob was occuring at boot, so I followed these instructions to the tea this time… I’ll see how it goes for a couple days now.
Do you mean a RPC error at boot? I think it’s not possible… RPC is for Windows environment, i.e., Windows already loaded.
Ok, my ball had the red circle on it at start up, this happened a couple times, not always. It would even take my taskbar a little while to appear when it happened. If I would re-start the PC, it would work fine 2nd time around. It was stated in a window ( I think when I went to more info ) that it was an RPC error.
What I had done was: initially installed avast > then realized it had 6 out of 7 providers running, the 7th being outlook, which I have disabled / removed in ADD / Remove componants & services.
I always choose custom installers, and knew I should have unchecked outlook, but didn’t… Then I just removed it with ccleaners uninstaller accually, and re-installed again, this time leaving outlook unchecked. With that being said, I felt it possible / likely that since I didn’t use the proper removal procedures, that I had left remnants, as mentioned here, and thus was causing my probs… I might have another issue going on at start up as well, that has nothing to do with avast, but just wanted to eleminate this as being the prob.
This particular PC is a Compaq, custom build from the HP site 2 years ago: SR1730T I have done a lot of things to / with it in 2 years. It hasn’t been factory since it left there. The OS on it now is an original version of XP, pre sp1, but does have sp2 on it now ( just recently ) I ran it with sp1 for a year or so ;D As you can see, i’m not big on changes / updates. I do keep my security updated, but dont play the micro$oft update game.
One thing I forgot to mention is, I have seen a slower shut down time on all my PCs since switching to avast. I am prob taking this topic / thread in a diff direction with this stuff though, sorry mods…
Is this permanent or just take some seconds to disappear and the ball starts spinning?
On Troubleshooting tab of settings you can choose ‘Delay avast services startup…’ in order to proper load order of operational system services than avast.
When it was happening, I couldn’t get the services started no matter what I did, except re-starting the PC a 2nd time. I had looked under that tab before, but didn’t realize the setting you just pointed out to me. My PCs are pretty fast, usually booting in a minute, a one is less than a minute, my test PC that I havn’t trashed lately
The problem is when I shut them down, that process has slowed a great deal. I dont get the program not responding windows, they just stay at the blue “window$ is shutting down” screen for a little while.
Is there any useful information into Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Events, specially ‘Errors’?
Here are the avast logs from there, most of the errors are things that couldn’t be scanned in my spysweeper…
That doesn’t seem unreasonable to me, just spysweeper protecting its files, the windows 05 error, access denied.
This one shows the start failure that I spoke of this morning:
I haven’t come across that one before, not much information in the event log, however I wouldn’t worry unduly about it as it is an ‘Information’ only entry.
I would suggest that you set the avast! Program Settings, Logging, back to the default, e.g. the slider opposite the Notice level. That will remove the avast Info entries from the log. Warnings and Errors will not be effected they will be reported as normal if they happen.
That slider is still set at Notice / default setting, i’ve looked there, but never changed it because I didn’t know what it did.
Just don’t mix things: the avast log level does not change Windows Events recorded.
I was forgetting that, which only leaves ignore information notices.