RPC Error

Hey all

I reboot my system (cold boot) about once every 2 weeks and this morning when I did, the computer started to do some strange things in the boot. Something about changing phyical somethings. I am not sure exactly what it was but being in fear of losing my system, I pulled the plug (literally), rebooted in safe mode and then rebooted normally

The system came up fine but the avast program had a red mark. upon clicking it
the message was “subsystem error RPC Error”

I went into the program and turned the Avast back on and now all seems to be fine.

Any Ideas as to what that was. (I am running a PIII 800 w/512 Ram, W XP with all the updates)

Oddly enough the same has happened to me this morning. Still have not found a resoultion.


Hello guys. This RPC error (Remote Procedure Call) is just a Windows message from MMC (Microsoft Management Console) for the Service of avast!
It´s not a error at all. It´s just a message.
This was discussed in other foruns and will be corrected in next 4.1 version… ;D

Missed the fact that it was answered in other areas, but scanning is not taking place with the current condition. I cannot get any providers to start.


Hi, Right click on the Avast Icon and open the ON Acess protection control
then Click the start button. It worked for me.

It’s when I attempt to do that when I get the RPC error box. I am prompted for the password and I enter it and then the RPC error comes up with the operation could not be completed.


Try to desinstall, boot and install avast again.
If this not work, please see Administrative Tools / Services
and look what is marked to RPC Service. It must be Start Automatically.
Both avast Services must be setted to start automacatilly either…
Keep in touch… :wink: