RPC Error?

On the small icons on the bottom right next to the time, the Avast(a) icon that spins around, there is a red circle with a line through it on the bottom of it. When i click on it a pop up with “Avast: The AAVM subsystem detedted a RPC error”. What is it and i don’t know if it has anything to do with the speed of my computer but it has gotten REAL slow??? Thanks for the help.

This is frequently associated with have another AV installed or previously installed.
Have (or did) you have another AV installed in this system, if so what and how did you get rid of it ?

Check out there pages also and see if they relate to or resolve the problem:

Hi, DavidR
Also I have the same problem with RPC error and all AVAST providers not start.
I have tried with the Solution described in your FAQ (http://www.avast.com/eng/faq-other-questions.html#idt_1539) with no result :frowning:

I have installed the old version of avast home edition and i have Windows XP professional (currently total updated with windows update system)

Can you help me please?


Francesco, why don’t you repair your installation? Have you already done it?
Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast! antivirus > Remove. Then choose Repair function in the popup window (Repair). You must be connected to the internet while repairing.

If this does not help, can you uninstall / boot / install the last avast version / boot again?

Do you use any other antivirus in your computer? Did you have in the past?
Are you saying that the old avast version works and the new doesn’t?

Sorry, i write old version but i mean the lastest version.
however, yesterday i formatted completely my desktop PC and reinstall WinXP SP2
After installation of XP i download the lastest version of avast home edition and it worked correclty, then i download about 80 package from windows update and after reboot pc avast antivirus not started correclty.
I try to repair avast installation but after reboot avast was still stopped (with RPC error).
Then i disinstelled avast completely and reistalled it but win no positive results, always RPC error…

Thanks for help

:slight_smile: Hi Francesco :

 Sometimes the FREE "DCOMbobulator" from www.grc.com/freeware/dcom.htm
 will "stop" RPC Errors, so I recommend you give it a try . Use it to "disable"
 your "DCOM" .
  AND it is best to download no more than 6 Microsoft OS Updates at a time, and
 to keep track of their "numbers", to see if your computer has no problems.
 Hopefully, you did NOT download KB 905474, the Validation NOTIFICATION Tool !?

Hi Spiritsongs,
this evening, when i return home from work and i turn on my pc … avast works correctly :slight_smile:
I reboot again and i works again…
however i try “DCOMbobulator” and i disable “DCOM”

Many thanks to all

Something to also try,
I had gotten this error message, as many do. I done what was posted in the FAQ’s.
But to no Avail.
I started looking around for certain products that needed updates. Java happened to be one of them. As soon as I updated Java, I rebooted and Avast is back to working great.
Thought I would let you know what I found, as another option to try.
Good Luck!
Avast Rocks, I will never give up on them! AVG is no option to try. They too maybe free too, but when bench tested with several other free Antivirus programs, same hardware, Identical machines.
Same virus loaded on machine. Avast was the only one to find it after a complete scan.
Avast Team rocks!

Something to try,
I had gotten this error message, as many do. I done what was posted in the FAQ’s.
But to no Avail.
I started looking around for certain products that needed updates. Java happened to be one of them. As soon as I updated Java, I rebooted and Avast is back to working great.
Thought I would let you know what I found, as another option to try.
Good Luck!
Avast Rocks, I will never give up on them! AVG is no option to try. They too maybe free too, but when bench tested with several other free Antivirus programs, same hardware, Identical machines.
Same virus loaded on machine. Avast was the only one to find it after a complete scan.
Avast Team rocks!

Strange… I couldn’t see a relationship between Java and avast…
But, computers are not deterministic.
Glad to see that you’ve got avast working? Why don’t you repair your avast installation through the Control Panel?

I tried that and nothing worked in the Avast FAQ’s. I tried their uninstall tool, that didn’t help. I even redownloaded the setup file in case some how it became corrupt during the DL. I ended up with the same thing again. That is when I started looking for anything out of date. Java was the first I tried, and that is all I done. I have been testing the results for about 5 hours now and have scanned, updated avast and done everything to the program to make it fail out again. It is working like it should. I understand what you mean though. I tried the repair several times and it wouls always fail. Hope this helps with other people too. I know it seems odd, but it worked great for me.

Does any part of the avast program rely on Java for implementation?

I don’t think so and by the time the programmers did not answer… probably I’m right.