RPC Error

Hello…Although I am active on some candle message boards, this is my first time here and I need help!!! My problem is: There’s a red circle on the avast! a-ball icon in my system tray and when I click on it, the error message appears saying “the AAVM subsystem detected a RPC error”. I followed through on the Help screen and everything seems in order pertaining to the RPC…any suggestions? ???

Thank you in advance.


Welcome to the forums, ktm. :slight_smile:

What anti-virus did you use on your computer before avast?

How did your remove the old anti-virus?

Hello and thank you for responding…

My former Anti Virus software was CA Internet Security. It was uninstalled on my computer when Avast was put on.


Yes, I know you removed it but how was it removed?

I ask this because what you are experiencing is usually the results of the remains of an old av. If you removed it with Add/remove Programs only, that is not enough. You will need to use a removal program from CA for complete removal.

Try using the CA download link at the site below. Scroll down the page until you come to CA and then click the download link just below the CA icon.
Be sure follow directions at the download site.


I just read exactly what you said on another post about having the remains of a previous av on the computer and that it can create problems…so, I will do as you suggested and go to the site recommended… and see what happens from there. Thank you CharleyO

I may be back…lol Only kidding, I will be back because I have learned so much since signing on to this forum. Thank you again

See I’m back already… :wink: I have another question…on the Collection of Uninstaller website it states the following: Just run the uninstaller’s EXE file and follow the instructions. Restart your system and you are ready to install your new anti-virus software

So, does this mean that I will have to uninstall Avast prior to running the CA uninstall file or can I leave Avast as is and run the uninstall file?


Yes, please come back as you will also need to do a repair of avast once you have used the CA removal tool.

To repair avast :

Control panel > Add/remove programs > click once on avast to select it > click on Change/Remove > scroll down the left pane and click on repair > click OK> follow directions

I went as far as loading the program to uninstall CA on my computer and then when I went to open the file it stated that I would have to authorize a CA support team person to gain control of my computer through remote access in order to resolve this issue… I can’t say that I am comfortable with this, so I cancelled out of the program… Is there no other program that I can use without having to give someone remote access?


I downloaded the CA uninstaller and tried it myself, and yes, what you say is correct (as you know), it offers to have a CA tech take remote control of your PC.
I understand your reservation. I’d have a reservation myself, though it probably is quite kosher and OK.
(You just don’t want a stranger, no matter how professional, going through your computer settings, do you?)
Anyway, it’s up to you if you want to do that, there are a few things we can try first.

I’d try the Avira registry cleaner. The 7th tool here.
download it to your desktop, extract all contents to the desktop. (You’ll need to use a zip program. You probably have a version of Winzip installed, which will unzip the contents of the folder for you.)

Once all are extracted, double-click the file shaped like a red and white umbrella. Select “configuration”, and un-tick the HKEY-current user" box.
Then click “scan for keys”. It will take a minute or two.
There are likely to be 6 entries found for Avast. (don’t touch those.)
If any are found for any other AV, please post the result here (there is no easy way to copy and paste the result, sorry, you’ll have to type it out), or take a screenshot and post that, please.

BTW, there are other steps can be taken if this one doesn’t do the job.
Might just take a little longer. :wink:

Hi ktm -

Sorry about the CA uninstall link I gave. I had no idea about the CA support team person needing to gain control of my computer through remote access. :frowning:

Thanks for the additional help, Tarq. :slight_smile:


Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I will look a bit more into this tomorrow night and will come back and let you know the results… This really is an amazing board, I have learned so much tonight just reading all the different posts…thanks again for your help.


Hello CharleyO… That’s fine…I’m sure that there are some individuals out there that may not have a problem using that site, but I guess I’m a bit cautious…sometimes to a fault!!! LOL


Not necessarily a bad thing.
'Specially with 'pooters.
Glad you got my pm. :wink:

Yes I did, and thank you…I am definitely a newbie!!

I’m actually anxious to work on my computer tomorrow night and see if I can get this resolved…until then, goodnight.

Hello Tarq,

I downloaded the Avira registry cleaner and the entries shown below were displayed after I opened the red and white umbrella shaped file. I have not done anything as of yet…waiting your instructions!!! :slight_smile: I noticed that I did not have 6 entries for Avast, but the entry below each Avast entry looked like it was associated with the Avast entry, but whatever that is worth…I really have no clue, only guessing here. Not sure about the first entry…could that be another antivirus program?

HKEY_Local_Machine\system\controlset001\services\avast! antivirus
HKey_Local_Machine\system\controlset002\services\avast! antivirus
HKey_Local_Machine\system\controlset003\services\avast! antivirus
HKEY_Local_Machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\avast! antivirus

KTM…(No, this is not another entry on my computer!!! LOL)

The only one of those that looks like it should not be there is No. 1, cybdefcom.officeantivirus.
This is quite possibly the reason for the problem.
Do you recall ever having installed CyberDefender abtivirus (or internet security)? Or anything from CyberDefender?

Please look in you control panel>add/remove programs to see if such a beast is installed. While you’re in there, see if CA Antivirus has an entry. (Do you still have the installer file for that?)
Also please look and see if there is an entry for “MyIdentityDefender Toolbar”.

Do nothing else, right now.

This one as far as I’m aware has nothing to do with avast:

This one I’m guessing is Cyber Defender, which is confirmed by this google searches, http://www.google.com/search?q=cybdefcom.officeantivirus and http://www.google.com/search?q=CyberDefender. Which doesn’t get a good ranking by WOT http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/cyberdefender.com and http://hphosts.blogspot.com/2009/03/cyberdefender-want-your-money-back.html but they may have cleaned up their act, http://blog.stopbadware.org/2009/04/17/cyberdefender-removed-from-active-alerts-list.

However, check and see it has been uninstalled in add remove programs and the entry should be removed using the avira registry cleaner…

The others of which there are only two avast entries, but they are replicated across the current user and other controlsets, which is normal.


I just checked and there is nothing in the add/remove programs for Cyber Defender or My Identity Defender Toolbar. There is Norton Ghost though. Will the Norton Ghost interfere with avast?

My husband just reminded me that the CA Antivirus was on my old computer and we never put it on this computer, which is fairly new. Well, that would explain why there is nothing for CA on this computer… sorry about that!

OK, cool.
Run the Avira reg cleaner again, same as before, and this time tick only that first entry, then have the cleaner remove it.
Do you still have the RPC error?