Thx for your rapid respons.
Pl explain reason for this dns chance procedure to be able to run avast.
I forgot to mention but I have 3 pc’s in my privat home net work with router.they all have their own specific ip assigned manualy
At this moment my main pc running latest free avast program version 1842338 is having the rpc server problem after this update
The other pc is running fine however this one is running a previous free avast version. 183233 and I will keep this version untill I understand where this rpc issue is coming from.
Well I get hold of an oudated 2017 off line avast installation.
First I deinstalled version 2338 as discribed.
Then installed 2017 version
Avast av is running without any error. RPC issue solved.
Updated engine and definitions still everything ok
Now i will update program to version 2338 again and wil see what happen and keep you posted.
Btw I have been using avast av exclusively without other related related security software except windows firewal (avast excluded
Installed latest version by using avast program update page
Unfortunate RPC server problem eminent again avast not running and pc unprotected.
So it has definitively to do with latest program update.
I will go back to my “old 2017” version with updated latest engine and virus difinition.
At least in that case my pc is sufficiently protected I expect.
Sincerey hope that there will be an update or hotfix to solve this issue as I expect more users to experience same problem.
Perhaps there is some one that can help me with free avast av off line version previous to 2338 version.
Possible latest version of avast is expecting automatically assigned private network addresses. Set the problem pc to obtain a IPv4 address automatically. Does that work?
This suggestion to use googles public DNS server I don’t favor as you may understand considering my private network setup around a well protected/shielded router configuration.
I have reinstalled just now the previous 183233 version and as expected all is back to normal.