Run time error

please, help! something happened today, when users are trying to login windows,where avast was installed, a message appeared “run time error…”. windows in one computer didn’t want to start, in other - loading continued…

PS, sorry for my English

Please check the folder \data\log
Are there any files called unpXXXX there (where XXXX is a random number)?

The same for the folder: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump
Is there any file there?

there is no such files in data\log,

in minidump there is a file dated back 10-17-06… but the problem was yesterday

If you run \ashLogV.exe tool, do you see any other info in the logs that can help us to help you?
On Windows Events (Start Menu > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Events), do you see any error related to your problem in any of its sections?

Did the error message come from avast!, or some other program? I mean, did the window have a title or say anything useful…?

thanks for helping… there was a message from avast, but I don’t remember - what message… :frowning:
there are a lot of massages in system log: Event ID 7022,Source: Service Control Manager, Service avast!Antivirus hung on starting… also 7034 - The avast!Antivirus service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time(s). … this messages appeared during the hole Monday, now everything is fine…strange…

Well… if they come back, try to see if at the same time, other error messages appear.
For instance, check Windows Events (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Events).
Anyway, glad your computer is working now 8)