Running Quick Scan disables sleep timer

I have my Windows 7 Pro SP1 system configured to wake up at 2am every morning using the wake timer on my motherboard (Gigabyte EP35C-DS3R). I then have it set to run a Quick Scan at 2:15am, but not shutdown the system. My expectation is that my Windows sleep timer should put the system to sleep after the specified delay time, but it did not seem to work and my system was up every morning.

So I tested it by setting the Windows sleep timer to 5 minutes, waiting for it do sleep, waking it up after it did and then running a Smart Scan. I noticed that once I ran the scan the system would not sleep at all, unless I went back into the power settings and reset the sleep timer. I tried both S1 and S3 type sleep events and it made no difference.

This seems to make no sense. Ideas, Suggestions, ???


Please go to Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options\ (in Windows7 ) and make sure that the same settings apply to all three power plans.