I have this error when I’ve already started my laptop today. What is this ?? Please help me fix this
My laptop runs Windows 8.1 Single Language 64bit
My Avast version: 11.1.2241
Perform a clean installation of the latest avast version and see if that solves it.
Sorry Eddy but step one should be a repair of Avast:
Program and Features > Select Avast > Select Repair.
When this finishes, Reboot your system.
(If this doesn’t fix the problem, then do the clean install procedure suggested by Eddy.)
If that problem is reproducible, then it could help us if you were able to create a dump of the AvastUI process at the moment this error is on the screen (e.g. from Task Manager - select AvastUI.exe, rightclick and chose Create dump file) and upload it somewhere.
Thank you all, I repaired Avast as bob3160 said and I think it really worked
Often it is just a glitch.
Repair or clean install (prefered), is most of the times solving it.
Keep an eye on it and let us know if/when it happens again.
Glad the problem is fixed.
A repair in essence does an new install of Avast but doesn’t first remove what’s already there.
This is much faster than a total removal and a new install which is what we call a Clean install.
In most instances, a repair works.