Safe Zone Browser Update

I looked through the threads but didn’t find an answer.
Does the Chrome browser in the SafeZone ever update itself?

Running the Anti-Virus Pro v 6.0.1027

I can’t say for sure (rolled back to the free ver. currently), but I would think it would update, yes. Possibly they can affect changes to it through the virus database, but certainly through program updates.
It is an Avast! re-mix of Chromium, not Chrome, so I doubt its updates will not fall in line with Chrome’s or anything, if that is what you where thinking.

Thanks…wasn’t sure what it was exactly which is why I questioned the version number. Probably will be updated through the program updates as you said.

When accessing my internet banking using safezone, there’s a message asking me for updating my browser. It requires IE7, Chrome 9, Firefox 3, Safari 3.2 or Opera 11.
Is there an option or should I simply stop using safezone?
Thank you!

Please start a new thread…!

Kiyoshi, could you please tell me URL of your baking site? I’d like to recheck the warning, thanks.
SafeZone browser is based on Chromium 9.x, we’re going to improve updates in avast7. SafeZone browser is still safe, you don’t have to worry.

Please sorry for not starting a new thread!!! I’ll do it. :-[