Safe Zone not working

Ever since I upgraded to version 2015.10.0.2208 I an unable to use the Safe Zone getting the message: “Sorry, the process virtualization feature will be activated upon reboot of the system. Do you want to reboot the system now?”

Needless to say that after 3 reboots there has been no change to this endless error loop. Have tried repairing the software but to no use. I have a paid licence.

Would appreciate a prompt response if possible.

As an aside comment, I have been using Avast for a number of years but of late I find the program bloated with extra promotional software that is not related to the reason why I purchased the program. Add to that the discovery that browsing data was being retained without the customer’s consent and now acknowledged, indicates to me that what originally differentiated your software from that of the competition no longer exists.

Thank you.

Is there any chance that someone from Avast will respond to this issue, I’ve noticed I am not the only one experiencing this problem and that problem still unresolved.

Hi, if you can not get your issue resolved by Avast you could go back to your version before the update when SafeZone worked. :slight_smile: