why do avast add this “function” to avast without some infos? This tool is illegal in germany! They sent a lot of data to avast and punish us with spam, this is very unfunny
can we have some feedback for this?
why do avast add this “function” to avast without some infos? This tool is illegal in germany! They sent a lot of data to avast and punish us with spam, this is very unfunny
can we have some feedback for this?
If you don’t want it go into the Avast Online Security ( Browser Protection ) setting and untick Safeprice.
You are wrong. The tool is legal in the entire EU.
You as the user has the choice to use it or not.
why? functions like this a not legal in germany, ( please read § 3b ff bdsg), data havasting without information is NOT legal in germany!
so i must
normaly i use an anspam/crap ware tool to avoid this kind of software, not to install it. its very ironic, that a “security” programm collect data form the user and sell it…
That law does not apply.
Yes in the update notes, as well on the the website.
No avast is not, as is clearly stated on their website.
As clearly stated, avast is not harvesting any personal data at all.
Selling data and “watching the internet” as you call it are two entirely different things.
Watching is nothing new.
Even old cultures like the Chinese, Romans etc already did watch everything they could.
That is because you did not read.
You for sure did had the choice to install AOS or not.
No one, except for yourself, can do anything do about it.
i see it only in the checkouts for our company for a new virus scanner ( 1000+clients) but with this is directly outWhat new virus scanner? What checkout?
Feedback (German): http://blog.avast.com/de/2014/03/19/avast-safeprice-was-es-macht-und-wie-nutzer-es-bei-bedarf-entfernen-konnen/
Have read the feedback.
the windows with the infos for safeprice is new and will only work if someone install it new. all other will be not informed about this.
this new function is not a “normal” update and was not communicated to the user. nobody checks the webside every time he make the daily virus scaner update.
A price check function is one of the useless things for a virusscanner, was come next? a tool to order pizza?
Avast havest data and send it to avast, nobody can check what avast do with this. you will say you have to trust avast, but if avast deploy this tool first without the question if we want it or if we activate it, avast can not be trusted.
the data and the service are not common for a securty programm and if this happend on company level, we have very big problems.
this is why i’m stopping using it private and kick it from our testing for the company.