Safer Update recurring pop up

Ever since a few days ago when AVAST tech worked on my PC to clean up virus I have been getting a “Safer Update” dialog box ……cannot get rid of it. Any help?

What Avast Tech ??? ??? ???

A screenshot of this dialogue box could help.

See attached…

What Avast Version do you have installed ?

Could it be Avast Premium Security ?
In which case it could have the Avast Driver Update module installed and if it tried to update a driver then it looks like a warning from Windows UAC, which is kind of normal, given driver update goes to a deep level.

As Bob mentions it would rather depend on what (and who) that Avast Tech did (is) and why you need to seek out a Tech ?

I guess I will need to call in.

It is Premium version ( paid)…I do not want AVAST making changes to my drivers so I have been clicking on “NO”…this was not happening before tech worked on my system. I have turned all notifications off in AVAST program yet it still pops up. How do I get it to stop from popping up??

Thank you.

The AVAST tech was Prince

.I do not want AVAST making changes to my drivers so I have been clicking on "NO

Have you disabled the Avast Updater in the Avast UI components ?

What Bob is trying to get at is, was this a legit Avast Support person, there are a number of support numbers that offer Avast Support. What we are trying to get is was this legit support (e.g. how did you find out about it) or some support seeking payment for a support contract.

Unfortunately we (Avast Users) can’t determine what they might have done, possibly reset things to a default setting. Which is why I suggest checking if the avast updater component is disabled.

Thank you. I just now disabled the software update function in Avast UI but the pop up keeps coming back.

Have you rebooted since the change, that may be required.

Or better still as mentioned not just disable le it but remove the component as mentioned by Pondus (link in his post).

Did you manage to fix this?

This pop up happens every damn hour for the last 2 days. I have no idea why, it is absolutely infuriating. What fucking app needs to update every 2 hours. I’m paying for this shit as well, can’t watch any movies or play games without this interrupting and at a time like this no tech’s are available so i’m stuck at home dealing with this shit.

If anyone else out there had this and managed to fix it, please post. Disabling in the UI doesn’t work and then of course you get avast warning you every often that you’re not fully protected. So it’s a fucking no lose situation no matter what. Someone from avast fix this fucking bullshit.

Software Updater (checks for outdated software e.g. Firefox) and Driver Updater are two different things. Have you disabled Driver Updater?

so I got in touch with Avast and they told me to uninstall premium security. I uninstalled and as soon as i started back up, it popped up straight away. The browser is still installed, I believe this is to do with the damn browser. I’ve not even reinstalled Avast Premium Security yet and I hope that the passwords I had saved in that haven’t disappeared as this would have been for a totally fucking useless reason.

Please curb your language.

I had a similar pop up. It popped up just by itself.

Happened today for the first time , so I checked where it came from as I removed Avast Security long time ago.

I found I still had the Avast Secure Browser installed.

When I executed the browser (left mouse click withour admin rights) , THE SAME POP UP asked if I wanted to have this app (browser app) to make modifications in my computer.
I clicked no, it still popped up.

Could this be a false positive , this is when security software from app X is in conflict with Security App Y ?