SafeZone Browser opens a ton of processes in Task Manager...

I was suprised that SafeZone Browser seemed to have installed itself in my PC during the day. I decided to try it out, but it seems that whenever I try to open it, my CPU seems to skyrocket almost over 93% for couple of seconds, and Task Manager seems to fill with at least 30 new processes, mostly several instanses of avastnm.exe *32, cmd.exe *32, conhost.exe (2 instanse of this process is present when my PC is in idle mode), and mostly SZBrowser.exe *32. These processes however tend to disappear in second after browser is closed. Is SZB supposed to launch this many processes when it’s started, and does this make it to eat especially much of CPU in casual usage? :-\

Just now I noticed the same thing. I had TWELVE instances until I finally uninstalled the thing.

I have also noticed many SZ tasks, but without high CPU usage (even lower then Firefox), is there an explanation, why there are so many tasks?

It is as Jakub56 said. I can just add that there are also prepared processes for Pay mode which take very low memory + no CPU. Switching to Pay mode is then more seamless.

Thanks Jakub56 + ondrejz for the explanation and yes, the memory usage is really low.

It´s just another crap way to push products you don´t need and get money from you.
NO, I´m not gonna pay you more, Avast, to provide a less invasive version of your browser, supposed to be safer, because the cost x benefits is NOT worthy. No exceptions.

Why would you pay ?
The SafeZone Browser is free for every avast user. :stuck_out_tongue:

avast can’t do anything about the amount of processes, that is how the Chromium engine is working (used by many browsers)