Safezone problems. Help required.

I’ve been having problems with Safezone on the second partition, Before any of you ask, I removed avast from the first partition on my hard drive using ASWclear from the site of course, ever since I reupgraded because of problems with the first Win7 install, (Kernel is well, screwed, caused BSOD problems), back to my problem: Every time I go onto the safezone and open the browser, the page crashes instantly, refresh, does nothing to help what so ever, I also repaired Avast and reinstalled it after I installed SP1 for the second partition, The first has been formatted now and will contain my games so I see no conflict.

EDIT: There may be a bug with Safezone, If the settings for sandbox are set at “Assign memory/cpu/time restrictions for unsigned sandboxed processes” Safezone will crash instantly. (NOT SURE, tested on my machine, Win7 64Bit Home, With SP1) WOULD LOVE SOMEONE TO JUST CORRECT ME.