Sandbox firefox 5

Hi Everyone,

I’m an avast pro user and I really love the sandbox feature.
Since a month now after updating firefox to version 5 I’m having problems with it.

I did upgrade firefox 5 when the sandbox was disabled. After the upgrade was done I
virtualized the process ‘C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe’. This always
worked for version 4. After I enabled visualization for firefox and try to start firefox its starting version 4 and tries to update to version 5.

Its strange because I did already install version 5. After it tries to upgrade to version 5 it stops with the message it couldn’t update firefox and it starts version 4 of firefox.

When I remove the visualization process for firefox and hit the same icon it does start firefox 5.

Does anyone has an idea what to do?

Sounds like you need to flush the contents of the sandbox. There is a button for this in its settings. After you flush it, the Fx5 should run a virtualized copy fine.

Yes that solution worked perfectly! Didn’t know that, thanks!

Sure, glad to help. :wink:

Same thing can happen to any extensions you use also, older versions hanging around in the sandbox still after updating, so it is good to remember.

Had a similar problem with Chrome after it had updated though it wouldnt connect to any site. Worked fine after cleaning out the sandbox.