I was thinking the reason of posting here…
Pleople just transform the Off Topic forum into a chit-chat bla-bla-bla place.
Maybe we can make more advertisements about Instant Messengers programs, there are many…
I’m feeling very bad of having to read such a huge amount of personal posts, feelings, etc. that should be better in personal IM or chats.
I’m here as I was invited to be. I was an user like others.
I’m feeling bad that some users are trying to transform this forum into nothing.
We can make friends and there share things. But, here, it was intended to be a security/computer related forum.
The ones who know me a little more know how much time I wait to post this complain.
It will flood the forum, people will be against one to the others… I’m feeling useless in Off Topic.
It’s a shame that we can let the forum be what it was in 2003 when I joined.
Well, thanks for reading until here, I’ll give a time to myself…
Maybe this forum doesn’t need me anymore. I’m ashamed to have to post here exactly what I shouldn’t. I’m posting my feelings that we’re walking to the end of the Off Topic board… unless we change it into some useful place.
I’ll lock my own thread and take some days of rest, thinking what I’m doing here… it’s so depressing right now: lots of locked threads, people leaving, blaming each other… we lost our way.
The forum will lost Technical this way. Not that someone will even worry about this…
Come on everyone stand behind tech what i have seen he has done a good job, don’t let this board go the same as others a lot of the other forums you can not have your say, so to tech I say cheer up you have my vote on a good job done.
Well thats me said and done off to read some more off topics.
I popped in for a moment to say that I hope that you will realize your worth here and that you would be truely missed. Your help here is needed, noticed, appreciated and it would be extremely sad for many people if you were not here to lend a hand.
It can be extremely difficult with all the different languages to understand what someone is saying at times. I know that you have run into this many times yourself. Alot of us have. Try to take it in stride, and to know that you are doing your best.
Your best is more then good enough
Yeah, the Off Topic forum is alot of blah blah blah. My personal feeling , which may or may not be correct, is it was created to stuff all the blah blah blah someplace and keep it out of the other , much more important, threads. It gives it a place to go, and a place for people to put it.
With different personalitys, there will be clashs… just as in our lives outside of this networld.
You take care… and please reconsider. You are very much needed here.
Ah I see and I must admit that I can see where Tech is coming from, but hopefully this a bit of a storm in a teacup. Every forum has it’s PMT time and now must be our time. Pull together boys and girls under the skin we all bleed ? (Relevance Nil)
Come on tech get back to us please, just a line to say you are ok, as I have already stated I have not been on this forum long, but I have always tried to read yours and everyone else’s posts, some may call me sad but I actually stay on line for up to 18 hours sometimes, and I always start with this forum and finish with this forum, and because of this, as I have already posted been offered and I have excepted a mods job on another forum, and I shall push avast, because out of 39 forums I am on the avast logo that sasha done me is on 32 of them.
SO come on tech I will be sending people here to signup when they convert to the greatest antivirus out there like my logo keeps flahing up Avast simply the best better than all the rest.
Oh well I better go and have my tea she who must be obeyed is calling. comimg my sweet.
Hi Tech,
Below is part of a PM I sent you back in April. I could write something new, but feel it would be the very same thing. Do you know that others have probably felt the same way you feel? I think you are lucky because you can honestly and openly express your feelings.
Tech, you are not useless. I am the one who is not really important here, avast is a program for Windows (hopefully soon for Mac) and you know far more about the Windows Operating system than many of us do thats why you are so helpful and you have a great personality.
Hi Tech!
I’m not going to do bla-bla:
When I’ve been on Avast! forum for the very first time asking for help, you was the first one who help me imediately, telling me “welcome here, we’re a band of brother”.
I never forget what my friends tell me…well maybe when I’ll be close to death (but I’ve got time I hope ;D)
So, please Tech, keep on showing us how to be really “a band of brother”
I’ve not intended to leave the forum.
Just take a rest, some days, let my heart avoid some hard feelings, specially time spent trying to help and, after all, touching the results…
Thanks for the support and encouragement.
It was really a bad thing what happened in forums last days.
Maybe we should post a little bit less about other stuffs and keep the focus of the forum.
It’s not truth that all is permited in Off Topic. It was, for sure, for other things than avast! but not for bla-bla-bla.
It will flood the forum. Nobody will take avast! forum seriously if we continue this way.
Maybe we should use IM (Trillian, ICQ, Messenger, etc.) more and post less in Off Topic…
A lot of users sent me IM but, after all, I miss some of them…
I must admit that it’s impossible to be loved by everyone. At least, some friends rests in this forum
Tech have not been here long, you have a lot more friends ;D than you do enemies, I no that when I joined the forum I was made welcome by you ;D and several others too many to name, they know who they are I have already told them, ;D by the way I liked your avator and neon so much i asked sasha to do me one, now his work, ;D and avast are spread around 35 forums even if the logo did not fit I told them what a load of rubbish theres was, and they adjusted there allowance so i could put avast on the map more.
Anyway tech you will always have a friend here ;D also I have been made a moderator of a forum so anyone joining will soon be lead towards Avast, because as the logo flashes Avast Simply the best better than all the rest ! speaks for itself. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Having been not here for 5 months, I am not sure what brought this on. I can say this, though. Tech has been a great help to this whole forum … to it’s many members as well as to it’s many guests. I know that I have gained much knowledge just from reading Tech’s replies as he helps others.
Please, Tech, if “Off-Topic” is getting to you, then do not read this part of the forum … but … please don’t leave us here at the forum!