I think that by installing Avast SBC on my server that had Sharepoint installed, it somehow hosed up the configuration of my Sharepoint site.
I now get the: ‘Error in “/” Application’ error when I visit the site. I’m working on trying to get it back up.
Might not get done at all though, since this is my last day here at this location and I have less than an hour to be here.
Just make sure that if you have some other website running on the server that you’re thinking about putting SBC on, it might give it problems. It shouldn’t because it puts into it’s own virtual directory but I don’t know. I have too much to worry about these days to care. ;D
Well, it was just a standard Windows 2003 server x86 with Sharepoint 2003 installed. It ran on MSDE and it appeared that once Avast installed it’s own virtual directory and that somehow either changed the .NET framework version to 4.0 instead of what it was running on before (I got errors about running two different versions of .NET, so I changed them all to the latest version) or it may have been because of the port for the default site.
I’m not really sure, and I left that company recently so I can’t go much further with the details.
I can say that I had WSUS running on the server as well. Basically it was the “everything else” server. It ran WSUS, Sharepoint, and Avast ADNM and housed a few printers. Since most of those services aren’t being utilized fully, the server seemed to do pretty well.
I have a feeling that if we could have the option to change the default listening port for the SBC upon installation from 80 to some other port, it may have helped.