"Scan Computer" section of Avast's UI delays

I’m using Avast Free 5.0.677 (currently, the most updated stable version) under Vista Home Basic.

The problem:

When I open Avast’s UI, clicking the “Scan Computer” section, Avast takes about a minute to respond. In the meantime, under Windows Task Manager, Avast gets to a status of “not responding”, instead of “running”. If I wait long enough, Avast’s UI returns to a normal “running” state.

Checks already done and reproducible behavior:

This happens every time I click at the “Scan Computer” section in Avast’s UI. This description is not related to boot times, since the behavior happens a long time after the booting process finished, and can be reproduced every time, even hours after booting and working with the system.

I want to be clear about the previous paragraph. The delayed behavior could potentially be related to booting delays, but the behavior I am describing is happening after the booting process finished.

So please, if anyone answers to this topic about “booting delays”, I would appreciate if the post would be related somehow to the behavior I described here. The issues could be potentially related, but “booting delays” is not the central issue of this topic. Avast’s UI delays is the main issue here.

For example, let’s say I am already there at the “Scan Computer” section and the UI is already responsive. If I click on any other Avast’s UI section, that section is displayed immediately. But after that, if I click again on the “Scan Computer” section, the previously-described behavior appears again (“not responding”; takes about a minute to respond).

I noticed a similar behavior while I was using previous 5.0.xxx versions. I just didn’t report it, in hope this behavior would disappear after updating to some new release. Yesterday I updated to 5.0.677, and I saw the same behavior, so here I am reporting it.

As with almost every software report, there is always a chance the problem has nothing to do with Avast, but it is related to something else.

I’ve already searched the forum, and similar behaviors are being seen by other users:


and the post just following that one at the same topic, which is linked as:


are somehow relevant to the issue described in this topic.

I also read this topic:

The problems seem to be similar to mine in some ways, but either they are more related to booting delays instead of Avast’s UI delays, or they are focused on other/different sections of the Avast UI.

Now, the topic at:


was very similar to my issue, but in that case, an update to the latest (at that moment) Avast version solved the problem. In my case, it doesn’t.

So, having those topics in mind, I want to add some info.

Additional information:

1- In my system, the section with delayed behavior is the “Scan Computer” section, not the ones that were referred to at previous posted topics.
2- I’m not talking here about Windows starting/booting delays, but about Avast’s UI delays (which may or may not be connected issues).
3- It seems like the OS’s version (Vista/XP/…) is not a common ground. There may/might be some common factor/configuration related to the OS, but if that’s the case, it seems to be a common factor across several Windows’ versions.
4- I do use Ccleaner daily, but the “System” and “Advance” sections of Ccleaner are disabled in my system, so it seems that the delay has no relation to Windows prefetch being cleaned by Ccleaner.
5- I experiment with Windows prefetch being on and off. I discovered no difference in relation to Avast’s UI delayed behavior in my system. It is possible that more thorough tests are needed to get to a valid conclusion in this matter.
6- I use additional software, besides Avast, related to PC security. SpywareBlaster (which doesn’t need to be running permanently, but its settings are a “permanent” state configuration until they are changed again); and Windows Defender, which comes included in Windows Vista. I also use the default Windows Vista firewall. No additional firewall is/was used.
7- The only security-related software previously installed was Avast Home 4.8. I uninstalled it when I upgraded to Avast Free 5.0. I did not use the Avast Clean Tool to uninstalled Avast 4.8 at that time. No other antivirus was/is installed.
8- I have no hardware firewall. No router or similar device. I use a cable-modem to connect to the Internet.
9- I am the Administrator of my PC. I usually use other user name (not the Administrator user account itself), but I do have administrator permissions.
10- The only web browser I have installed is Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (version 7, not 8 ).

Possible related issues, relevant info and/or indication of solutions?:

-As I said, the boot delay could be related, or maybe not.
-The virus database occupies several MBytes and is updated frequently. Even defragmenting the HDD every day could still leave Avast’s related files fragmented after a virus database update, and maybe this fragmentation causes UI delays. It still sounds strange that this delay happens when opening the “Scan Computer” section, but not the other sections of Avast’s UI.
-My video controller is embedded into the motherboard itself. The video memory is controlled by the driver and the BIOS. Both, video drivers and BIOS are the most updated ones.
-The video memory in the BIOS is set as sheared with the main RAM (as opposed to being set as a reserved fixed size). I haven’t seen any difference while testing this settings.
-Although part of Avast’s UI is showing some problem, I have not seen the same kind of delays in any other program/software in my system, so I’m not convinced that a change in video-related settings (BIOS and/or driver) in my system would have any impact. I may be wrong, though.

I am experiencing an additional Avast’s UI delay, which happens when scanning a file using the right-click function while selecting a file in Windows Explorer. I say this as an additional info for the developers, since the delays could potentially be related. But I don’t want to mix the issues in the same topic. The central issue of this topic is still the “Scan Computer” section of Avast’s UI not being responsive (enough).

I’d like to know if this behavior was already reported, or is an already known behavior. Does anyone else saw this delayed response behavior?


Hi ady4um, in reading your post i noticed that you mentioned not having used the removal tool to clean up after deleting v4.8, i would suggest to downlosd a fresh copy of avast 5 and save then download removal tool and save. Delet avast via add remove programs and reboot then boot into safe mode and run the removal tool for v5.0 and reboot then boot safe mode again and run removal tool for 4.8 and reboot, you should then be able to install your fresh avast 5 copy and reboot again and all should be working. Just to mention i also get a slow response when opening the gui but only when my wireless connection is turned off, take’s anywhere from 20 to 40 second’s.

Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it.

I mentioned not using the cleaning tool, but I don’t understand why should I have used it to simply upgrade from Avast Home 4.8 to Avast Free 5.0.

Moreover, it was suggested (at the time 5.0 was published) that uninstalling 4.8 and then installing 5.0 was a preferable method. Installing 5.0 over 4.8 was not preferable, but also supported. I used the preferable method, and that was several months ago.

Using Avast clean uninstall tool was only adviced to users having problems with uninstalling or with compatibility between security software. That was not my case, and I’ve been using Avast 5.0.xxx for several months now.

If I remember correctly, the Avast cleaning tool was available for Avast 4.8 when the first 5.0 was published. The cleaning tool was updated after some time for using it over Avast 5.0. I might be remembering wrongly.

Also, I didn’t see any such suggestion while reading previous topics about Avast UI delays.

I fail to see the relation between using the cleaning tool and the behavior I described, specially when it is happening only when clicking at a specific section of Avast’s UI. It is not happening anywhere else in Avast’s UI, nor in any other software I have installed.

I would like to read more feedback in this topic before uninstalling Avast, specially from Vlk, since he suggested that the problem was known and solved in Avast 5.0.594 (according to his post in http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=61232.0 )

This problem is supposed to be fixed.

Maybe he has some feedback for my case also?

Am I the only one still having this delay in Avast’s UI?


@ ady4um

Go to PROFILE then Modify Profile then Forum Profile Information then Please select your country: then Signature: and put information about your system just like my signature about your system just like my signature so that the helpers can offer pertinent advice.

@ Yokenny

Is there any info I failed to provide in my post which is relevant to the problem I described? If there is, I’ll be happy to add more info and to receive useful feedback.


No. 1 You do not indicate your Country as that helps with timezone issues.
No. 2 You do not indicate your system information as that helps the helpers.
No. 3 Do you like to follow instructions ???

1- My country is irrelevant to the issue I described, as it is my timezone.

2- I provided the system information that was relevant to the issue. It seems you haven’t even read the topic. Had you read it, you have asked me to provide the info that was previously not provided that would have helped you help me, instead of just pasting the same massage all over the forum without you providing any real help to the user who has a specific problem.

  1. Instructions? I read previous relevant topics. I have investigated my problem before posting. I tested my system to provide the relevant info. I posted my topic in the relevant category. I provided links to relevant info. These items are more relevant to solve the problem than many, many other users do.

If your car suddenly stops in the middle of the highway, you do not dismantle your car just because somebody shouts at you. You probably check the fuel tank, or maybe the batteries.

All I want is relevant info that could help me, and most probably also help others, including Avast’s devs.

For example, if you, or craigb, or Vlk, or anyone else for that matter, can make the relation between the issue I described and uninstalling Avast, then I will do it. And if I have no other choice but to test that option, I’ll do it. Most important, I’ll post feedback about my tests.

But I won’t “dismantle my car” before checking the fuel, or the batteries.

So, if someone can provide relevant feedback, I’ll be happy to follow instructions and test my system, report back, and in the long term, help other users and the devs.

If you want to collaborate, I’ll follow your instructions to resolve the problem. If the post is irrelevant, then you are not helping the users that might be reading this topic to solve a similar issue.

As I said before, since Vlk wrote (in a previous mentioned topic) that this issue was already solved (please read the topic before posting) - without requesting to clean Avast’s installation - but it isn’t solved in my system yet, then I think it could be useful for him to post some feedback or suggestions here in this topic. He might have an idea of what info I haven’t provided yet that might be relevant to solve the problem. I’ll be happy to provide any relevant info and to test a beta to check if the problem is solved.

I don’t mind if it isn’t Vlk. Anyone’s suggestions are very welcome.


As YoKenny has stated adding your system imformation to your profile would make it alot easyer for all the other member’s here to offer advice,we know you are on vista is this 32 or 64 bit, amount of ram, any other security product’s installed, what av did you have before avast and how was it removed. Some people have had problem’s installing v5 over v4 and some don’t, vary’s from one system to the next. Without more knowledge of your system the only other thing i can suggest is doing a repair though add remove program’s.

Craigb, thank you for your post.

The reason I didn’t add more info about my own system is that previous topics that were related to my system’s behaviour, were described as very different systems, with a common result: Avast’s UI delays.

That’s why, as I already mentioned in a previous post, I posted relevant info, but the specific OS or hardware seems not to be a common ground.

It remains a fact that Vlk’s answer to other user, that used to have this problem, was simple and direct. It had nothing to do with configurations, or specific systems, amount of RAM… It was something that the devs solved ( ? ) in Avast program itself.

Another fact: the only thing I didn’t mention, from the list of info you comment in your post, is that my Vista is 32 bits. All the other relevant info you are mentioning was already provided.

The fact is, that the more time I have Avast 5.0 installed, the delays are longer.

So I uninstalled Avast as you requested. BTW, the clean tool to uninstall Avast? I’m sorry to say that is useless. The simple “Add and remove” should have been enough. And that is the preferred method, and that’s the method I used several months ago when I uninstalled Avast 4 and installed Avast 5 (with reboot in between).

The only real thing the cleaning tool adds, in cases like mine where the “Add and Remove Programs” applet works correctly, is deleting the folder where Avast was originally installed. And that is, only if the user knows/remember where the folder is/was.

The cleaning tool (and the “Add and Remove” applet) leaves all other folders and files related to Avast (4 and 5), like the general temp files/folders, the users temp files/folders, the AppData folders, viruschest folders…

I remove all those manually. After uninstalling, running the cleaning tool, several reboots both in between and after each step, using Windows Safe Mode…

Finally I reinstalled Avast 5, reconfigured each and every aspect (BTW, there should be some way to change the defaults for all the shields alltogether, so to minimize the manual configuration for each shield, again and again selecting the same options for each shield), according to what I could remember from my previous installation.

After that, Avast starts checking my HDD, which is still doing. It will take a while to reconfigure the exceptions, and every single aspect of Avast, the way it was. I am lucky, since the info in the viruschest was not important at all in my case. And I didn’t mention the downloading of Avast 5.0 setup, the clean tool, the virus database update, and the new registration.

The conclusion, for now at least, is that I have transform the original problem into “stealth”. It will take several months, and it is possible for this issue to reapear in my system.

No one user/dev/Avast team member answered my thoughts about Avast files being fragmented, including virus database and logs. And no comment about Avast using high CPU cycles until actually responding to some simple click or function, as the Explorer right-click, or the “Scan Computer” section in Avast’s UI.

By following the steps to uninstall/clean/reinstall again, I have dealt with the symptoms, not the real problem.

I will tell you something though: if this problem comes back in a few months and Avast team is not able to solve it, or at least to answer with relevant feedback, I will not reinstall it. It’s just a logical response, not my preferred choice. I sincerely hope I won’t have to get to that point.

I guess YoKenny can relate to this specific post, since I’m just writing and writing, and this words most probably are not going to help any other user, and we are not really solving the problem.

Craigb, if you, or Vlk, or any Avast team member, or any other user for that matter, wants to get more info or feedback from me, I’ll be happy to provide anything that could add to Avast’s improvement.


At least the problem is fixed now, might never know what really caused it though but something like restore’s can mess with av’s sometime’s and removal or changing of certain drivers. There was a problem a couple of week’s ago with an update from micrsoft that messed up the behavior shield in window’s 7 32 bit cpu’s but avast fixed this in there latest version so these little issue’s popup now and again. If your happy that your problem is now fixed you can add resolved to the subject matter in your first post, thank’s :slight_smile:


You are always welcome to provide a mini-dump file and upload it directly to Avast devs. for analysis of your problem and they will get back to you. Here is additional information on how to invoke a memory dump file: http://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=71. This probably should have been done in your situation although the issue of the GUI sluggishness was a known issue in prior versions and I’m not sure if it was fixed in v.677.

You are always welcome, should something occur in the future, to email Vlk (he does not accept PM/IM’s) - you can find it on the forum. The Avast Evangelists are here 24/7 and respond to users quickly, whereas the Avast Team/devs. enter the forum on an irregular basis.

Thank you for continuing your usage with Avast. Please let us know if you have any other concerns.

@ SafeSurf

When I had a problem with my XP Pro system I provided a mini-dump file and uploaded it directly to Avast devs and they prompty fixed the problem probably with the information I provide in my signatue. 8)

Craigb, I think the real problem is not really solved. As I said, I think I only dealt with the symptoms by uninstalling. If the problem doesn’t show again after awhile, I’ll change the title of this topic as you requested.

Safesurf, thank you for the very useful info. I wish I knew about it before. :slight_smile: I’ll take it into account, and if the problem with Avast’s UI delays appears, I’ll test it, and report back accordingly.

Thank you.

You are very welcome ady4um. :slight_smile: