Hey, Sorry but I’m new to Avast. Running my first full scan and so far its taken 33 hrs and running. It went fairly quickly until it hit /Volumes/Data/Macintosh.sparsebundle/bands/#
How long should a full scan take? Is this normal with sparse bundle’s? Should I or should I not be scanning these?
There is no way to tell how long a full scan takes.
There are many variables.
Some are:
System speed
Other things running
File sizes
Files compressed or not
Settings for the scan
and many more.
The sparsebundle folder can be very large.
If I understood it correctly, you can remove it without causing any problems.
Perhaps removing it (or at least emptying it) before running the scan is helping.
As I am not a expert on mac’s don’t take my word for it but do some research I would say, or wait till someone else joins and help you out.