scan stuck at 98% - can't cancel or stop it

Hi all,
Small problem with my weekly scan. It seems to be stuck at 98%. It won’t stop or pause, and I can’t end the process. Not using any cpu, as far as I can see.

Running program version 11.1.2245, visrus definition versions unknown.

My system is XP, SP3.

Thanks for any help or advice.

Edit: also, the shields are all disabled, and won’t turn on.

Hi frankey99 :slight_smile:

As the shields are disabled, try a repair of Avast first :

  1. Start - Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs - Avast! - Change.
  2. Repair.
  3. Follow the instructions.
  4. Reboot.

Greetz, Red.

Thanks Rednose,

The add/remove programs wouldn’t build the list, so I rebooted.

As soon as it came back up, the scan started at the 98% mark, and still won’t allow pause/stop.

The add/remove programs also still won’t build the list.

I suppose I need to uninstall Avast and re-install…

Is there anyone who can tell me next steps, how to start doing that?

  1. Download Avast Free Antivirus:
  2. Follow instructions: (Run this tool for all prior installed Avast versions…!!)
  3. Reinstall Avast with the downloaded installer from point 1.
  4. Reboot.

Thanks Asyn, that did the job.

Had to download the setup exe 5 times though… it kept failing at various stages…

All good now, thanks a lot!

On edit: just curious about one thing, after I re-installed, it still remembered my exclusions… wondering how it could remember those, since I uninstalled everything… I guess it stores those somewhere else…

You’re welcome.