installed v4 now can’t run scandisk or defrag closed everything but explorer and systray still keeps restarting running win98se thanx jack
WHy can´t run Acxandisk? What kind ofMessage apears? Update Avas4 to Build 172?
no message they just restart installed yesterday don’t know if build 172
Easiest thing was to make an Update of Avast!
will try updating, thanx raman
Never used a forum before, this seems like a great program is v4.0-172 but is causing something to run in background causing restarts of scandisk
Hm, is it possible to disable the Resident scanner temporary? (Try to “right-click” on the Avast Symbol)
BTW: How much Memory does you PC have?
Some users have reported this problem to us under Windows 9x, ME. We are trying to fix it, but currently there is no solution to this problem at this time…
am I right if you assume you’re not connected (permanently) to the Internet (that you e.g. only use a dial-up connection)?
It seems that the ScanDisk-keeps-restarting is somehow related to avast auto-updater… ???
It may sound silly, but just as an experiment, could you please try to run the disk check while you’re connected to the Internet?? (for at least, let’s say, 10 minutes). So, just connect to the net, do something for e.g. 10 minutes (like visit your favourite web page [this forum?? ;D] and then try to run ScanDisk).
Let’s see what happens ;D ;D
vlk, ran scandisk while online (56k) worked fine, thank you. why do you suppose this is. jack
We’ll try to fix this in the next update. I’ll send in more info as soon as it’s ready.
Vlk if the problem is inconsistent I installed win98 with win98 plus it has mcafee virus scan I have since ran scan disk and defrag online no problems, if it helps jack
I have the same problem with scandisk being disrupted.
Disturbingly, this happens even when scandisk is run automatically at startup after an improper shutdown.
I think this is an extremely serious problem.
Hi Flashflood,
is this still in dos-Mode ?
what happens after a normal shutdown, if you boot into safeMode (F8-Boot) and then run scandisk ? you might alos look into the scandisk.ini-file to check its settings…
can you run scandisk after booting from a WIN-startdisk ?
if not, check BIOS settings/Detection of harddisk(s) and try disk-checking-tools by your Harddisk manufacturer (usually free)
The autorun-after-improper-shutdown instance of scandisk in ME runs in Windows, not DOS.
There is nothing wrong with my scandisk.ini file and I don’t need to run scandisk in Safe Mode.
I don’t need to run scandisk after booting from a startup disk.
And there is certainly no reason why I need to check my BIOS settings or use the diagnostics provided by Seagate.
The problem here is with scandisk being disrupted (NOT frozen, NOT terminated, NOT unable-to-run).
Scandisk is disrupted when other programs are interrupting it, causing the scan process to begin again and essentially making scandisk run perpetually or until it is cancelled.
The problem with this is that, obviously, an improper shutdown may cause disk errors, and that scandisk, if allowed to run impeded, can almost always fix these errors if run promptly. But if no scandisk correction occurs, and errors are allowed to accumulate, then eventually the disk will be completely compromised.
Now, of course I know how to manually disable processes so that scandisk can run unimpeded, but the point is that this is time-consuming and annoying and I just shouldn’t have to, because the problem shouldn’t be occuring at all.