Scanning files in the virus chest

I have 11 files in the virus chest. I have scanned these files whilst they are safely in the chest. If any of them were actual viruses would this scan alert me with some sort of message or warning ?

You can scan them within Chest (right click them) and you’ll see a popup message.

Examples of the popup message for infected/clean :slight_smile:

The pop up message just shows the file type and name - nothing showing clean or virus just PUP after file type and name

Can you show a screenshot?

As you can see, it should say whether or not it is infected

EDIT: I see your edit now, PUP is a detection, so PUP is the “infection”
(i.e it is correct)

So PUP denotes that it is an actual virus ?

Thanks so much for all the replies

PUP - potentially unwanted application.

Potentially unwanted program :slight_smile:
Could be for good, could be used by a hacker…