Scanning from CD... is it possible?

Could somebody tell if I can make CD with AVAST4 in it? I need to scan computer whitch is not connected to internet, and which is already infected, and I have no possibilities toi install avast4 on it. It is really important to have the possibillity to scan such helpless computers… :cry:
CD shouldn’t be bootable, I gues avast could work using already started system.

It doesnt sound feasable to me. But wait till this is confirmed or denied by someone higher than myself.

Ahh sorry I misread it a bit. You saying you want to write the avast exe to a cd, then instal it on the other computer. I see no reason why that would be a problem;D

I think BART is for such stuff.

You may use avast! for DOS (
Updates here:
The Registration key you will find here:;action=display;threadid=1509;start=0 at section avast!

You can burn a CD with this. You can use F-Prot for DOS too.

But better if you buy BART CD for that task.